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被子植物系统发育第一页,共二十二页,2022年,8月28日 一、前言背景二、材料与方法三、结果四、讨论第二页,共二十二页,2022年,8月28日 一、前言背景Premise of the study : Recent analyses employing up to fi ve genes have provided numerous insights into angiosperm phylogeny,but many relationships have remained unresolved or poorly supported. In the hope of improving our understanding of angiospermphylogeny, we expanded sampling of taxa and genes beyond previous analyses.Soltis et al., 1999 , 2000——the 567-taxon, three-gene ( rbcL, atpB , and 18S rDNA) 第三页,共二十二页,2022年,8月28日 Hilu et al. (2003)—— conducted a broad analysis of angiosperms based on matK sequences, with results that agreed closely with the three-gene topologyDavies et al. (2004)——constructed a supertree for angiosperms.Soltis et al. (2007)—— undertook a Bayesian analysis of the 567-taxon, three-gene data set and obtained a topology nearly identical to that obtained with parsimony.Bell et al. (2010)—— used a Bayesian relaxed clock model to analyze this same three-gene data set and found results similar to Soltis et al. (2007) .第四页,共二十二页,2022年,8月28日 Burleigh et al. (2009)——used five genes for the same 567 taxa analyzed in Soltis et al.The five-gene matrix had significantly more missing data (27.5%) than the three-gene matrix (2.9%),but the five-gene analysis resulted in higher levels of bootstrap support across the tree.第五页,共二十二页,2022年,8月28日 The value of constructing data sets of many genesemployed nearly complete plastid genome sequence data(e.g., Leebens-Mack et al.,2005)limited in sampling to fewer than 100 taxabased on many genes but focused only on major angiosperm clades The value——with very large amounts of data (i.e., 13 to 83 genes), many,if not most, deep-level questions of angiosperm phylogeny can be resolved. (e.g., Sch ? nenberger et al., 2005 ; Jianet al., 2008 ; H. Wang et al., 2009;Brockington et al., 2010 ; Tank and Donoghue, 2010)第六页,共二十二页,2022年,8月28日 The goal:assemble a data set having both broad taxonomic coverage and numerousgenes.1、The three-


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