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托福写作素材分类(2篇) 托福写作素材分类1 Have a positive attitude towards 对。持积极态度 例句:People should have positiveattitude towards fulfilling their potential. Obtain an entry-level position 获得最底层职位 例句: Whena person obtains an entry-level position, he or she must have a lot of thingsto learn. Encourage petition 鼓励竞争 例句:A good supervisor knows how to petition among employees. Make up for a loss 弥补损失 例句: As a way to make up for aloss, panies have to lay off many of their employees. Work overtime 加班 例句:Employeessometimes have to work over time without extra payment. Get a promotion 得到升职 例句:Getting a promotion at a pany is as difficult as finding a new job. Return corporate profits to society 将企业盈利回报给社会 例句: Inthis day and age, an increasing number of panies are returning corporateprofits to society. Submit one’s resume 递交简历 例句: When you ap* for a job,you have to submit your resume. Make a profit 获利 例句:Even garbage is an importantelement to make a profit. Raise the prestige of 提高声望 例句:The quality of a product raisesthe prestige of the pany which made it. Develop interpersonal skills 培养处理人际关系的能力 例句:In order to get a high positionin a pany, you should develop interpersonal skills. Meet the qualifications 合格 例句: Before ap*ing for a job,you should make sure if you meet the qualifications of the job position. Be in great demand 需求旺盛 例句: These days, puters arein great demand, so we can see puter mercials on TV very often. Feel a sense of plishment 有成就感 例句: In a group project, youcan feel a sense of plishment and share it with others. Boost the economy 促进经济发展 例句:Interest rate is one of the mostimportant factors to boost the economy. e the economic recession 克服经济衰退 例句:Everyone’s effort is needed e the economic recession. Climb the corporate ladder 升职 例句:You must pete with others inorder to climb the corporate ladder. Urge someone to do 敦促/极力主张某人做某事 例句: A pan


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