上海教育版九年级英语下册Module3 Unit6第4课时教学课件.ppt

上海教育版九年级英语下册Module3 Unit6第4课时教学课件.ppt

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* * Module 3 Sport and health Unit 6 Caring for your health ·下册· 目录 02 口语无忧 01 听说特训 03 课堂练习 一、听选信息 请听课本P93 More practice的听力两遍, 并根据以下问题和括号内的提示, 选择正确的信息回答问题。 1. When do boys and girls end puberty in general? (By the age of 14. / By the age of 16. / By the age of 18.) ________________________________________________ 听说特训 By the age of 18. 2. What do teenage boys need to do at this stage? (To think before they act and make good decisions for themselves. / To take unnecessary risks. / To have fun and be accepted by others.) ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ To think before they act and make good decisions for themselves. 3. Who should teenage girls be encouraged to discuss things with? (Trusted adults. / Good friends. / Kind classmates.) ________________________________________________ Trusted adults. 二、回答问题 请听课本P86 Listening的听力两遍,并根据所听内容回答第1~4四个问题。 1. What is the speaker? ________________________________________________ 2. What do we need when we re reading? ________________________________________________ He is an eye doctor. / An eye doctor. We need enough light. / Enough light. 3. Do we need to wear sunglasses when we stay outside for a long time? ________________________________________________ 4. What should we do if harmful chemicals get into our eyes? ________________________________________________ Yes, we do. We should wash our eyes gently with water. 口语无忧 本单元我们学习了如何询问病情以及描述病情。人吃五谷杂粮,加上紧张的学习或工作,难免有时会生病。现在,让我们一起围绕“如何询问和描述病情”这一话题展开口语练习吧! 话题十四 如何询问和描述病情 相关词组(请朗读以下词汇,看谁读得更标准、更地道) have / catch a cold, have a fever, headache, toothache, sore throat,earache, stomach ache, a runny nose, slightly feverish, drink enough water,take the / one s temperature, get some rest, take / have a break 你问我答 请运用下列句子与你的小组同伴一起练习,然后互换角色,再进行问答。 询问病情 What s wrong with you? / What s the matter with you? How long have you felt this way? What have you eaten / done in the last few days? What brings y


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