新课标高一教学资源库16 17下必修四课件reading.pdf

新课标高一教学资源库16 17下必修四课件reading.pdf

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Skimming The main idea of each paragraph. • 1. The world situation • 2. ’s childhood • 3. His famous film character • 4. An example of his work • 5. His achievement • Questions: • (1) What is behind fun? • (2) Why did people like Little Tramp? • (3) Do you think Chaplin’s eating boiled shoes funny? Why? Use the information in the passage to complete the notes about Chaplin Born : Job: Famous character: Costume: Type of acting: Died: Discussion Q1. Do you think his poor childhood helped him in his work? Why? Q2. Why do you think he was so successful? Language points 1.content (adj.): satisfied, happy, not w g any more phrases: content with sth; content to do sth e.g. (1) She is quite content to stay at home looking after her children. (2) Are you content with your present salary? Content (n.): that which is contained in sth e.g. I like the style of her writing but I don’t like the content. 2.inspire sb. ( with sth.) \ inspire sth. (in sb.): To fill sb. with thoughts, feelings or aims. e.g. His speech inspired us with hope. 3.badly off: in a poor position, esp. financially The opposite is “ well off” e.g. (1) They are too badly off to have a holiday. (2 ) In fact most people ar ter off than they were five years ago. 第三单元品味英式幽默阅读略读每一段的主要思想。 1.世界形势 2.查理的童年 3.他著名的 角色 4.他的作品示例 5.他的成就问题: 1)乐趣的背后是什么? 2)为什么人们喜欢《小流浪汉》? 3)你觉得查理 ·卓别林吃煮过的鞋子很有趣吗?为什么? 使用文章中的信息完成有关查理 ·卓别林的笔记出生: 工作:著名人物:服装:表演类型: : 讨论 Q1.您认为贫困的童年对他的工作有帮助吗?为什么? Q2.您认为他为何如此成功? 语言点 1.内容(形容词):满意,快乐,不想再有短语:满足于某事;满足于做某事例如: (1)她很乐意呆在家里照顾孩子。 2)你对你



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