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不同测试方法对氯氧镁水泥制品氯离子含量 测试结果的影响 摘要 采用不同标准的检测方法 测试了氯氧镁水泥制品中可溶出氯离子含量 分析了产生不同结果的原因 : , , 。 试验结果表明 无水乙醇作萃取溶剂 只有 中的游离氯离子被溶出 蒸馏水作萃取溶剂 不仅游离氯离 , , MOC ; , 子被溶出 遇水分解的氯离子也被溶出 所以 用水溶法和醇溶法两种测试方法测得的结果相差 倍 , 。 , 。 P5 5~6 煮沸法和 规定的测试方法皆用沸水作萃取溶剂 煮沸溶解过程 结晶结构遭到破坏 JGJ/T322—2013 , P5 , 分解 氯离子游离出来 测试的氯离子含量几乎和理论计算的总氯离子含量相当 因此 测试氯氧镁水 MgCl2 , , , , 泥制品中的游离氯离子含量既不宜采用水溶法,也不宜采用煮沸法。 关键词 氯氧镁胶凝材料 可溶出氯离子 水溶法 醇溶法 煮沸法 : ; ; ; ; Abstract: The content of dissolvable chloride ion in magnesium oxychloride cement products is tested by methods with different standards, and the reasons for the different results are analyzed. The results shown that, , anhydrous ethanol is used as extraction solvent and only free chloride ions in MOC are dissolved.When distilled water is used as the extraction solvent, not only free chloride ions are dissolved out, but also the chlorine ions decomposed by P5 in contact with water are dissolved out. So the difference of the content of chloride ions measured by the two methods of water-soluble method and alcohol-soluble method is around 5~6 times. In the boiling method and JGJ/T322—2013 method, boiling water is used as extraction solvent. In the process of boiling, the structure of P5 is destroyed, MgCl2 is decomposed, an



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