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工程洒水车设计(五吨载重量)变速器改造设计和校核 摘要 伴随着现代物流的加快,专用车已成为我国汽车发展的一个重要方向, 国家每年对城市专用车的需求量正在加大,市场对专用车产品技术含量和附 加值的要求越来越高,而洒水车作为一种城市洒水和公路养护的专用作业车 辆,对其功能和性能的要求也越来越高。本次设计的内容是五吨载重量工程 洒水车的设计(改装),其中重点介绍和研究分析洒水车总体布置及变速器 的改装设计。 本次洒水车的设计通过增加底盘原有变速器一、二档的传动比来增大扭 矩;然后通过取力器从变速器中间轴常啮合齿轮取力,通过传动轴来带动水 泵工作。水泵通过安装在底盘车架上的水箱总成和管路总成,根据作业工况 的不同进行喷洒作业。 变速器一、二档传动比主要是根据洒水量而设计的。一档传动比的改变 主要是适应于洒水量多的作业工况,因为一档传动比大,车速慢,在水箱容 积和洒水宽度不变的情况下,洒水距离短,洒水量就多。而二档传动比的改 变主要是适应于洒水量少的作业工况,因为二档传动比相对小些,车速快, 在水箱容积和洒水宽度不变的情况下,洒水距离长,洒水量就相应的变少。 关键词:洒水车,底盘,变速器,取力器,洒水量 1 REBUILT DESIGN AND CHECK OF TRANSMISSION OF ENGINEERING SPRINKLER (5 TONS DEADWEIGHT) ABSTRACT Along with the acceleration of modern logistics, special cars have become an important direction of the vehicle development. Every year, the demand of city-special cars is growing, markets products dedicated to the technological content and added value of the increasingly high demand, and as a city and highway maintenance sprinkler special operations vehicles, its functional and performance requirements have become more sophisticated. This design is the five tons projects street sprinkler design (reequipment). And the key introduction and research analysis is general arrangement and the transmission gearbox reequipment design. The design for sprinkler can mainly increase torque by increasing the transmission ratio of the first and the second stall of original transmission on the basic of the chassis. Then take-power transmission devices from the intermediate shaft normally engage gears, through the drive shaft drive pump working work. Through the installation of pumps to the chassis frame assembly on the tank and piping assembly, operating under diffe


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