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Welcome to our class!;The Object Clause 宾 语 从 句;I like him.;I say that I have been to HuTiaoXia;She asked if he is a star?; 在英语中用来充当宾语的句子叫_________.带有宾语从句的那个句子叫(主句/从句)。;三、宾语从句的三要素;He is smart. Mary says …(改为宾语从句) ;The lion is the king of the world. (The dog thinks…);He is angry. (She knew…);Yao Ming is playing basketball. (I see…);She will bring some drinks .(He said…);1.从句是陈述句时,引导词用_____. (that本身无词义,在从句中不作任何成分,多数情况下可_____.) ;改为宾语从句: 1) I think.He is very good. 2) I know .I can play the piano. 3) She will go to Beijing tomorrow.He hopes. 4) I guess. They are playing games now. ;She asked____________ James would come to visit China next week?;Are they students? Does he like going fishing? Has Lucy finished her homework? Will Mary come back soon?;Can he speak English? Is there a bank near here? Do they know her name? Is she listening to music?;2.从句是一般疑问句时,引导词用 ___________.;只用whether的情况;1)We’ll have a party ___ she comes or not. A.if B. whether C.when 2)They wonder ________ robots will make humans lose their jobs or not. A. that B. if C. whether ;He asked_________________? ;I want to know …;Where can I buy the computer? When will she come back? What did the teacher say just now ? How can I get to the bus station?;3.从句是__________时,由原句 本身的连接词(疑问词)引导。 ;I hear (that);2.主句是一般过去时,从句用相应的____时态.;一般现在时;? 1) He said (that) the sun _____(go) up in the east. 2) The teacher told (that) the earth ________(travel) around the sun. 3) I knew (that ) one and one ___(be) two.;1.Our physics teacher told us light _____faster than sound. A. travels B. traveled C. traveling;宾语从句的语序:一律用__________: (连词+____语+____语+其他成分); 1) I wonder(想知道)______. A. where is the teacher B. where did the teacher go C. where the teacher is 2) Do you know ______. A. when the train leaves the station. B. when does the train leave the


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