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英语单词 Indispensable [in+dis+pens+able] 不不花钱被...的 不得不被花钱买回来的 Formal informal Arms eg: arm to teeth Disarm Respectful [ful= be full of ] respectable Negligent [neglig(neglect)+ent] 会忽略掉其它事物的 = a. 疏忽的, Negligible [neglig(neglect+ible可被...的)] 可以被忽略掉的 - [neglect] [neg=negative] [lect=collect] Pens\pend=”花钱” 1.Expensive [ex出去+pens+ive...的] = 贵的 ___ 出去了的 = 贵的 2.Dispensable [indispensable的反义] a. ⾮必要的,可有可⽆的 /doc/0bc872556ad97f192279168884868762cbaebb41.html pensate [com相互+pens花钱,⽀付+ate...动作] 1 相互向对⽅⽀付费⽤ v. 赔偿,补偿,、 Compensation [ion] n.赔偿,补偿,赔款 Ion, ation, ition 加于动词后构成名词,不改变词义,常被理解为“原动作的过程或结果” Compose [com+pose(position)] 摆放在⼀起 Composition n. 作品 Procedure - program 4.Pension 【pens+ion】 只花不赚的钱 - n. 养⽼⾦,退休⾦,抚恤⾦ Pensioner [er] n. 退休⼈员 Retiree [ee] Tire Retire [re回去+tire累] 累了回家 - v. 退休 Resign [re回去+sign签名] 签名的回家- v. 辞职 Retiree 5.Expense [ex+pense] n. 花费,花销,代价(个⼈,家庭) Eg. At the expense of Expenditure Expense v.s income Dink: double incomes no kids 2 expenditure [ex出去+pend花钱+iture...物] n. 开⽀,开销 Expenditure v.s revenue (总)收放,税收Eg. Military expenditure 军费开⽀ Privilege [priv+i+lege] 法律中给予某⼈的权⼒ - n. 特权 Priv词根“私⼈,个⼈” 1.Private [priv私⼈+ate...的] a. 私⼈的 2.Privacy [acy抽象名词] 私⼈的信息 = n. 隐私3.Deprive [de不+prive私⼈] 使某物不再属于某⼈ - v. 剥夺,奔⾛ Deprivation n. Rendezvous typhoon Eg. Deprive sb of sth deprive sb of his or her life-long political rights Lege词根“法律” 1.Legal [leg+al...的] a. 合法的 Eg. Entitle to some privileges illegal [il(in)+legal] Inlegal way v.s in legal way 3 Legislate [leg(is)+late] 【leg法律+is是+late后来】 法律是在此动作后出现的 = v. ⽴法 Dis gui se - guise San gui ne Nutrition 把⼀种语⾔带⼊另⼀种语⾔ Legislation n. Legislation hall Legislator [or] n.⽴法委员,⽴法者Legislature [ure] n. ⽴法机关Legislative [ive...的] a. ⽴法的 Eg. Take legislative measures Legitim ate [leg法律+it=?+im最...的+ate.=?...的] 法律中最能接受的= a. 合理的 Legitim acy [acy抽象名词] n. 合理性 It=to\go exit [ex(out)+it(go)] n. 出⼝ circuitous [circu(circle)+it⾛+ous...的] 转圈⾛的= a. 环绕的 Circulate 4


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