二零二三年 优质公开课《Module2Education》Unit207.ppt

二零二三年 优质公开课《Module2Education》Unit207.ppt

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1. -How long will you stay here? -I think I will be here for?__ more days. A. few?????????? B. a few??????? C. little?????????? D. a little Quiz 2. -Is this your son’s sweater? ?? -No. ___ is on the chair behind the desk. A. He???????? B. Him???????? C. She???????? D. His 3. ____ of them knows French, so I have to ask a third person for help. A. Neither???? B. Either???????? C. Both???????? D. None 4. I can’t find the pen I was given. Have you seen ______?????????? A. it ???B. one?? C. this?????D. that 5. __ twenty boys were playing football at that time yesterday. A. Each????? ???? B. Some??????? C. No one?? D. Neither 6. —Did they find ___ in the park? ?? —No, they found____ there. ??? A. anybody, nobody??????? B. somebody, everybody C. anybody, somebody????? D. everybody, anybody 单项选择(中考题) 1. I wonder if the talent show _____next month. If they ____it, I must get ready for it. A. will hold, hold B. will hold, will hold C. will be held, hold D. is held, will hold 2. I’m interested in animals, so I ____ lots of time playing with my pet dog. A. pay B. take C. spend C C 3. He _______ less time reading stories about film stars than before. A. takes????? B.?spends???????????????? C. costs???????????????D. pays 4. -- You always?spend?only a little time on your study. You really _____ me down. -- I’m sorry, Mum. I won’t do that again. A. take? B. put? C. let? D. look B C Homework 1. Finish the exercises in the workbook Ex. 8, 9 & 10. 2. Finish the composition about your school life. Module 2 Education Unit 2 What is the best thing about school? Match the words with the pictures: disco Spanish French Match the words with the meanigns: secondary school present abse


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