【中小学】高二上下册Module 8 Unit 4 Grammar课件公开课教案教学设计课件.pptx

【中小学】高二上下册Module 8 Unit 4 Grammar课件公开课教案教学设计课件.pptx

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xxx高中英语课程(人教版选修八)Unit 4 PygmalionLesson Seven Grammar 策划指导:xxxxxxxx中学英语科 授课教师:xx 工作单位:xxxxx中学2020年4月 Word preview过去分词 定语状语宾语补足语表语past participleattributeadverbial object complementpredicative Guessing gameShe is a character in the play Pygmalion who is mistaken about Henry’s identity. Who is she?Eliza. Guessing gameIt’s an area of knowledge classified from people’s speech. With its help, Henry can easily analyze where Eliza was born.What is it?Phonetics. Guessing gameIt’s a kind of job position. In order to get this position, Eliza wants to have her English improved. What is it? To work as a lady in a flower shop. Guessing gameHe is a character in the play. Encouraged by him, Henry decides to pass Eliza off as a duchess. Who is he?Colonel Pickering. Can you find out the past participles in the following sentences? What are their functions? She is a character in the play Pygmalion who is mistaken about Henry’s identity.It’s an area of knowledge classified from people’s speech. In order to get this position, Eliza wants to have her English improved.Encouraged by him, Henry decides to pass Eliza off as a duchess. predicativeattributeobject complementadverbial Content过去分词(短语)作状语的基本用法 过去分词(短语)作状语与状语从句的转换过去分词(短语)、动词-ing形式与不定式做状语的区别过去分词(短语)的独立主格结构运用分词优化作文句式,使之更紧凑、简洁 过去分词作状语的基本用法 When exposed to light, potatoes will turn green. (P30) 当暴露在阳光下,马铃薯会变绿。Frightened by the noise, she dared not sleep. 由于受到噪音的惊吓,她不敢睡觉了。Unless invited to speak, you should remain silent. 你应该保持沉默,除非被邀请发言。Though wounded all over, the soldiers continued to fight. 虽然伤痕累累,战士们仍坚持战斗。He sat in the armchair, lost in thought of the past. 他坐在扶手椅上,陷入对往事的回忆中。Adverbial of concession (让步状语)Adverbial of condition (条件状语)Adverbial of cause (原因状语)Adverbial of accompanying circumstances (伴随状语)Can you find out the past participles in the following sentences? Which type of adverbials is each used as? Adverbial of time (时间状语) 功能:过去分词(短语)可在句中充当时间状语、条件状语、原因状语、让步状语、伴随状语等。结



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