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小学英语-20《Lesson 13 Let‘s buy postcards!》教案设计 Lesson13: Let’s Buy Postcards 一、教材及学情分析: Lesson17: Let’s buy postcards.选自义务教育课程标准试验教科书《学英语》(冀教版)第六册Unit 3中的第一课,承接上一单元内容,以Jenny、Li Ming 和 Danny 三人的北京之旅的活动为主线,介绍了postcard、 letter 、email以及关于购买、邮寄明信片等概念,分为两部分,由词汇、句子到情景对话,由易到难。内容贴近学生生活,与学生的生活经历息息相关。 学生以前已经学过如何买东西,并在实际生活中有购买和邮寄明信片的经历,对此话题也比较感兴趣。 二、教学目标: 1.知识目标: 学习单词postcard、letter 、email、much及句型Let’s buy postcards? This postcard has a picture of _______. I want to send a postcard to_______. May I see that postcard? How much is that postcard? 2.能力目标: 能够读、写、说出并听懂postcard、letter 、email,能运用所学句型表达自己的意愿,在情景中熟练准确运用句子。 3.情感目标: 学会与他人合作,引导鼓励全面参与,大胆开口说,让人人在课堂中有所收获。 三、教学重点、难点: 在小组合作自由创设的情景中恰当运用所学句型。 四、教学准备: 课件、postcard、letter、e-mail实物、自制明信片、录音机 五、教学过程: Step 1: Class Opening and Review Greetings: I’m very happy to see you again. Are you ready for class? Let’s begin. 2. Revision: T:(拿出一张卡片)Look! What’s this? S1: This is a picture. T: What’s on it? S2: It’s a cat. T: Yes, it’s a cat. We can also say “It has a cat on it”.(板书此句型) 教师用同样的方式对其它图片进行问答。 [设计意图:教师通过问答引导学生掌握句型,为下一步的学习作好铺垫。] Step 2: New Concepts 1(T: Look at the screen, I have a friend. She is a lovely girl. Her name is Lee. She lives in Shanghai. She is far from me. I miss her very much. How to connect with her? Who can help me? C:写信,打电话,写电子邮件,写明信片… [设计意图:以与远方的朋友联系,让学生为自己想办法,很自然地引出新授内容---通讯工具。] 2.T:(手拿出一张明信片提问) What’s this? C: This is a picture. T: This is not a picture. This is a postcard. (教授单词postcard) T:(手拿出两张明信片提问) What are these? C: These are postcards.(区分postcard和postcards) T: Yes. These are postcards. ( 手拿出一张明信片教授句型) A postcard has a picture on it. This postcard has a picture of the Palace Museum. This postcard has a picture of the Summer Palace. (学生反复练读。) (出示幻灯片4,提问)What’s the postcard have?(让学生完成两个句子。) T:(出示书信的背面,提问) What’s this? C:This is 一张纸。 T: Yes, this is a piece of paper. (把书信翻过来再问) What’s this? C:This is a piece of paper. T: No,this is not a piece of paper. This is a letter. (教授并板书新词


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