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中考短语专题 A a bit of 有一点儿 a big dinner 一顿丰盛的正餐 a bottle of 一瓶 a can of 一听,一罐 a cup of 一茶杯 a few 一些;少数几个 a few days ago 几天前 a glass of 一玻璃杯 a drop of water 一滴水 a family of three people 一个三口之家 a great many 非常多的 agree to do sth. 同意做某事 a half 一半 a kind of 一种;一类 a large [great] number of 许多 a little 一点,少量(+不可 n.) a little + 比较级 a long time ago 很久以前 a moment later 片刻之后 a good place to visit 观光的好去处 a number of 若干的;许多的 a pair of shoes (gloves, glasses, socks,trousers ) 一对;一副 一块(张,片,只) a piece of 23. a type of 一种型号的……24. a sleeping baby 正睡的孩子 25. 售货员,店员 26. a shop assistant a waste of time 浪费时间 27. according to 根据 28. 对面 29. across from 某物的另一种说法 30. another way of saying sth. 毕竟 after all 31. 放学后 after class / school 下课后/32. 再三地,反复地 again and again 33. 同意(某提议)agree with sb. 34. agree with 与某人意见一致 35. allow sb. to do sth.允许人做某事 36. all day (long) 一整天;一天到睌 37. 各种各样的 all kinds of 38. 整晚,彻夜 39. all night (long) 一生;终生s life 40. all one all over 到处;结束 41.all over the world 42. = all the world over 全世界 (病)好了 行了,好吧,all right 43. all the same 仍然 44. all the time 一直;始终;老是 45. 单独,独自 all by oneself 46. all year round 全年 arrive at/ in 到达某地 as …as 像……一样 as usual 照常 as …as possible 尽量 as long as 长达…. as soon as 一……就…… as well as 也 as a result 结果,因此,由于 ask for 请求,向(某人要(某物 as soon as one can as soon as possible 尽早,尽快 at last(finally, in the end)最后 at least 至少 argue with sb.与某人争论 at the front / back of 在…的前部 / 后边 at the age of 在…岁时 at the beginning of …起初,开始 at the end of … 结束时(终点) at the moment 此刻;正当那时 at the same time 同时 at this time of (the ) day 在这时 at times 偶尔;有时 B base on… 以……为基础 bang ones head 撞了下某人的头 be able to do sth. 能够做某事 be awake 醒着的 be afraid of + (名词)v-ing 害怕,恐怕.. be afraid that 恐怕,担心 be angry at (about) sth. 生某事的气 be angry with sb. 生某人的气 be amazed at 对……感到惊讶 be against doing sth.反对做某事 be bad at 拙于 be bad for 对…有害的 be careful 小心 be covered with 盖满…,掩满 be busy doing (with) sth.忙于做… be different from 和…不同 be excited about 对……感到兴奋 be famous for…以…著名,出名 be fed up with 厌倦 be filled wit


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