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高 中 英 语 新 人 教 版 必 修 二 unit1~2 测试题题(含答案) 新课标高中英语必修二阶段性测试题 Unit 1&2 第二部分 语言知识运用 ◆第一节 单项填空 (共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分) 从 A 、B 、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 21. Many interesting customs and traditions have survived ______ the past, so we should pass them down. A. on B. as C. at D. from 22. They consider that vase to be a treasure, but in my opinion, it is just a ______ bottle. A. valuable B. rare C. common D. worth 23. A police car, ________ there are two policemen, stops on the side of the road. A. that B. in it C. which D. in which 24. I’m not sure whether he has the key that ______ the door of the classroom. A. had belonged to B. belonging to C. belongs to D. is belonged to 25. She never plays computer games, ______ her brother to. A. nor she allows B. nor does she allow C. she nor allows D. she nor does allow 26. Because the two countries were at _____ war, the people had ______ hard life. A. /; the B. the; the C. /; a D. a; a 27. I’ve just talked to the businessman from ______ you bought your computer. A. which B. that C. who D. whom 28. The road is _________ to connect the village with the city. Construction will begin next month and will be finished in a year. A. led B. repaired C. designed D. built 29. Dad ______ a lot of alcohol, but now he has given it up and ______ soft drinks. A. used to drink; is used to drinking B. was used to drinking; used to drink C. used to drink; used to drinking D. was used to drink; is used to drink 30. A terrible earthquake happened in Wenchuan, ______ drew the attention of the whole nation


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