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WELCOME TO 1404!;Passage 9;复习;飞机误点了,侦探们在机场等了整整一上午。 ; ;Lead-in(导入):;Do you know about the country?;Do you know about the country?;Do you know the country?; Do you know the country?;Do you know the country?; Do you know the country?;;.;Do you know about the country?;; 1. welcome v. to show someone you are pleased when they arrive. 2.crowd n. a large number of people;3. gather v. 1) to come together eg: A crowd gathered to watch the fight. 2) to bring together, to collect. eg: We gathered information for our project.;4. shout v. to speak very loudly 5. refuse v. to say you will not do something you have been asked to do. eg: She refused to tidy her room.;6. laugh v. to make sounds to show that you are happy or think something is very funny. 7. hand n. 1) the part of the body at the end of your arm. 2) needle A watch has three hands -- the second hand, minute hand and hour hand.; ;welcome n. 欢迎;v. 欢迎 crowd n. 人群 gather v. 聚集 hand n. (表或机器的)指针 shout v. 喊叫 refuse v. 拒绝 laugh v. 笑 ;★hand n. (表或机器的)指针;手 hour hand minute hand second hand Second-hand 二手的,旧的 The shop sells second-hand second hand.;; What does 'a cold welcome ' refer to ?;Text;Fist listen and then answer the question:;A cold welcome;Answer these questions and recite the text according to these questions:;Summary(小结);;A cold welcome 冷遇 cold adj. 冷的, 寒冷的, 冷淡的 cold fish 冷漠的人 My brother is a cold fish. lucky dog 幸运的人 ;.;.WELCOME TO 1404!;Passage 9;复习;飞机误点了,侦探们在机场等了整整一上午。 ; ;Lead-in(导入):;Do you know about the country?;Do you know about the country?;Do you know the country?; Do you know the country?;Do you know the country?; Do you know the country?;;.;Do you know about the country?;; 1. welcome v. to show someone you are pleased when they arrive. 2.crowd n. a large number of people;3. gather v. 1) to come together eg: A crowd


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