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医学模式的演变与医学生 What is the Medical Model?人类在与疾病抗争和认识自身生命过程的中得出的对疾病和健康的认识医学模式体现了人们对医学实践和医学科学的一种哲学观Medical model也指医学教学模型 A Medical History is the History of Disease Ideas about disease have changed during human historyPeople have thought about sickness as magical and mysteriousas abnormalities of whole personsas abnormalities of individual organsas abnormalities of cells and as abnormalities of molecules A medieval woodcut of witches Sickness as magical and mysteriousPrimitive people believe diseases are caused by gods and spiritsDiseases occur because people sin beyond the community standards, break taboos, or are bewitched Primitive people treat diseases by praying, confessing their sins, and acting out magical ceremoniesSo, medicine and religion were closely related in primitive people Natural Philosophy: Ancient Greek Medical Theory自然哲学约公元前7世纪到公元前6世纪,古希腊最早的唯物主义哲学流派的代表人物Thales认为水是万物的本质和始基Anaximenes主张气为万物的始基著名的哲学家、西西里医学派的创始人Empedokles认为生化万物的是4种元素:水、土、火、气 Where there is love of medicine, there is love of humankind. -- Hippocrates (460-377 BC) Sickness as abnormalities of whole personsIn ancient Greek Dr. Hippocrates (460-377 BC) and his students believed all diseases were processes that involved entire persons.Dr. Hippocrates tried to explain disease in terms of the traditional doctrine of four humors (blood, phlegm, yellow bile, black bile).Disease is caused by imbalances of the four humors (bad blendings, dyscrasias) within the whole person. Sickness as abnormalities of whole personsA person in whom all four humors were in perfect balance had a harmonious personality If a person had too much blood, he was called sanguine(血红色), or cheerful and optimistic(乐观的)Someone with too much yellow bile was choleric(易怒的, or irritable(急躁的) and easily angeredMuch black bile made a person melancholy(忧郁的), or depressed(沮丧的) and pessimistic(悲观的)An oversupply of phlegm caused a human being to be phlegmatic(冷静的), or slow and unfeeling(无情的)


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