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Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors 阅读理解(共两节,满分40 分) 第一节(共15 小题;每小题2 分,满分30 分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A 、B 、C 和D )中,选出最佳选 项。 A Valentina Tereshkova — a space pioneer Valentina Tereshkova parachuted (跳伞) out of over 125 aircraft before she jumped out of the spacecraft Vostok 6. This unusual hobby led to her selection for cosmonaut (宇航员) training and her achievement of becoming the first woman in space. As a teenager Tereshkova worked in a factory and took up parachuting in her spare time. When Tereshkova was selected for the Soviet space programme in 1962, she became the first person without experience as a test pilot. Her selection was based on her parachuting skills. Tereshkova was chosen to be the pilot of the Vostok 6 mission (任务). She was given the name Chaika, Russian for ‘seagull'. The craft lifted off from Tyuratam Launch Centre on 16th June 1963. It re-entered the Earth's atmosphere on 19th June and Tereshkova parachuted to the ground, landing near Kazakhstan, in central Asia. Wilfred Thesiger — An Explorer of the ‘Empty Quater’ Wilfred Thesiger was one of the greatest explorers and travel writers of the 20th century. He died in 2003. His books, which describe his journeys in Africa, Asia and the Middle East, have won many literary prizes. His best known book is Arabian Sands, which is about two journeys through Arabia. People have praised his description in the book of the ‘Empty Quarter’, a vast, waterless desert. He spent the years travelling in the ‘Empty Quarter’, often accompanied by the Bedu, the fierce tribespeople (部落人民) living in the area. Thesiger fell in love with the desert. He enjoyed the ‘sense of space, the silence, and the clearness of the sand'. It was a place where he found peace and friends



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