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Chapter Four Structures and development of Organs of Plants;Leaves Stem;第一节:种子的萌发及幼苗的形成 (自学) 1、种子萌发的条件 2、种子萌发的一般过程 3、幼苗的类型;Section 2 Morphology, structure and development of roots第二节 根的形态、结构及生长发育;Embryo root;The adventitious roots may have similar structures and functions with normal roots (定根).;;2. Structure and development of Root根的结构和生长发育;The root cap protects the growing parts of a root as the root grows through the soil 根冠保护根的生长区域在土壤里向前运动。;In most dicots, cells of rhizodermis have a common origin with the rootcap cells as shown in Figs. A, B C). while in most monocots all cells of the root have indepen - dent origin from the rootcap, as shown in Figs. D, E F. 在大多数双子叶植物中,根表皮细胞与根冠细胞 有共同的起源,而在单 子叶植物中,所有根冠 的细胞都独立地起源于 根冠。;Dermatocalyptrogen表皮根冠原;calyptrogen根冠原;Quiescent center不活动中心;cell maturation;Root hair zone 根毛区;皮层;A complete transverse section of Ranunculus sp. root at a level showing the completion of primary growth. Note the lack of pith, accumulation of starch in cortical cells, and the absence of starch in the rhizodermis and exodermis.;A. Root epidermis and characters 根的表皮及其特征;B. Root cortex and characters 根的皮层及其特征;The Casparian strip (凯氏带)and Casparian dots (凯氏点) in the endodermis (内皮层);凯氏带;Cotton root shows Casparian strip (凯氏带);C. central cylinder (中柱);Pericycle中柱鞘;Casparian strip (凯氏带) of the endodermal cells on radial wal (径向壁);Monocots (单子叶植物) A cross section through a mature monocot root;primary xylem初生木质部;primary xylem初生木质部;Details of mature corn root structure. Rhizodermis (根被)is replaced by exodermis (外皮层). exodermis 外皮层细胞壁加厚 Endodermis (内皮层) walls are lignified suberized (木化和栓化);单子叶植物内皮层细胞 五面加厚, 有了通道细胞 (passage cell);Two schemathe arrangement of the Casparian strip in the endodermis cell walls 凯氏带的结构;2.3 The secondary growth secondary structure of root in Dicots 双子叶植物根的次生生长与次生结构;Forming process of vascular cambium (1)维管形成层的形成过程(1);Forming process of vascular cambium (2)维管形成层的形成过程(2);Forming process of vascular cambium (3)维管形成层的形成过程(3);Formi


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