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UNIT 1 Using Language;1.      adj.更好的;占优势的;更高的? 2.      n.体力劳动? vi.奋斗;努力工作 3.      n.皮革;[pl.]皮衣;皮外套? 4.      n.控制板;仪表盘;专家咨询组? 5.      n.英寸(长度单位,等于2.54厘米) 6.      adv.向后;倒着;往回? 7.      n.侄女;外甥女??;8.      vt.(去)拿来;(去)请来? 9.       n.手帕;纸巾? 10.      n.灯;台灯? 11.      n.速度;步伐;节奏?vt. vi.确定速度;调整节奏 12.      n.强烈的欲望;冲动?vt.催促;力劝;大力推荐 13.      adj.随机的;不可思议的? 14.      adj.最大极限的?n.最大量;最大限度 15.      n.泥;泥浆?;阅读词汇 16.blurred adj.         ? 17.inaction n.         ? 18.lever n.         ? 19.grip vt. vi.         ? 20.hazy adj.         ? 21.puff n.          ? 23.flip vt. vi.          ? 24.stun vt.         ? 25.overstatement n.         ?;1. Have you read stories or watched films about time travelling?;Pre-reading ;Reading ;The Time Machine ;Reading ;Reading ;Reading ;Reading ;Reading ;Reading ;The Time Traveller stops in the year 802701. The whole earth looks like a garden with beautiful , happy people called Eloi who play all the time , but this hides a horrible truth ; there is a whole world of people called Morlocks who live underground in a dark , mechanised society who use the Eloi as a source of food . The Time Traveller meets an Eloi woman and falls in love with her . The Time Traveller and the Eloi woman are attacked by Morlocks . He is able to escape , but he loses contact with the woman and perhaps she is killed . The Morlocks then steal the Time Machine and use it as bait to capture and kill the Time Traveller . However , once he is in the Time Machine , he pulls the lever and begins to travel in time again and is able to make his escape . He travels 30 million years into the future to see the sun cool and the earth turn into a lifeless planet . He then travels back to the time from where he started out , only to find that three hours have passed .;Language points;Language points;Language points;本单元写作任务是写一篇想象类说明文。想象类作文是一种创造性的写作,属于开放式作文的范畴。此类写作要注意:想象既要新颖,有创造性,又要合情合理;写作目的要明确,短文应始终围绕主题展开,避免与主题无关的内容;时态以一般将来时为主,人称为第一人称或第二人称。;一、基本架


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