二零二三年 优质公开课Unit1Lesson3HappyBirthday教学.ppt

二零二三年 优质公开课Unit1Lesson3HappyBirthday教学.ppt

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Unit 1 Lesson 3 Happy Birthday. (第1课时) New words film 电影 New words interest 兴趣;趣味 v. 使感兴趣 New words pop music 流行音乐 New words soon 很快,马上,不久 New words else 其他的;别的 New words mobile phone 移动电话;手机 New words idea 主意,想法;看法 New words whose 谁的 1.Label the pictures with the key words Then talk about them. Warm up Example A: Do you like pop music? B: Yes, I do./No, I don’t. Key Words:Interests books,computer games,film,pets, pop music,sports 2.Listen to the dialogue.What does Grandma like?Tick the boxes. Warm up pets art books old music History books pop music 3.Listen again and answer the question. 1.Whose birthday is soon? 2.Does Helen’s grandma like sports? 3.What does Helen want to give her grandma? 4. Does Helen like to talk to her grandma? interest ? 基本用法 n. interest 兴趣;趣味,其复数形式为interests。 I have a lot of interests. 我有许多兴趣。 ?知识拓展:相关单词 v. interest 使……感兴趣。如: Things of that nature do not interest me. 我对那种事物不感兴趣。 adj. interested 感兴趣的,be interested in 对 …… 感兴趣。如: He’s interested in football. 他对篮球感兴趣。 Language points Language points film 基本用法 n.film 电影,see/watch a film看电影。如: ?Let’s see a film together. 我们一起看电影吧。 知识拓展: 同义词 movie n. 电影 ?What?is?the?movie?about?? ? 那电影是关于什么的? Language points idea 基本用法 n.主意;想法;看法,have a good idea 意为“有个好主意”,have no idea意为“没主意”。如: I have a good idea now. 我现在有个好主意。 She has no idea and she doesn’t know how to do. 她没有主意了,她不知道该如何去做。 Language points whose ? 基本用法 ? whose 谁的,在句中通常作定语。 Whose pen is it? 谁的钢笔?? Language points soon ? ? Your cousin’s birthday is soon.你表妹的生日快到了。 ?基本用法 adv. soon 不久;很快;早;快,可指将来,表示“预期的时刻不久就会到来”,用以谈论不久将来的事 或在过去某时间以后不久所发生的事。 Ill be back soon.我很快回来。 ?知识拓展:相关短语 as soon as 一……就……。如: I’ll write you as soon as I get there.我一到那儿就给你写信。 Language points else ? 基本用法 ?1. adv. else 其他的;别的,可与不定代词或副词连用。如: Would you like something else to drink? 你还要喝点别的什么吗? ?2. else还可用在疑问代词或副词后面,表示强调。如: Who else will go to the meeting? ?还有谁要去参加会议吗? 3. else还常用于固定结构or else,意为“否则;要不然”。如: Run


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