二零二三年 优质公开课Unit2Ouranimalfriends教学.ppt

二零二三年 优质公开课Unit2Ouranimalfriends教学.ppt

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Unit 2 Our animal friends(第4课时) 板书hunter --- huntkeep people safe from dangerin many waysbring sth to sbhelp sb (to) do sth /????/He is hunting animalshunter/?????/for food.in a cave.He livesDogs can help guard the house.Dogs keep people safe from danger. The man is blind.It can help him cross the road safely. He is a thief.two thieves= The Police.Policemen and policewomen. It’s looking for the missing people. Dogs are very useful.help people hunt animals for foodhelp people guard their homeskeep people safe from dangerhelp blind people cross the road safelyhelp the police catch thieveshelp find the missing peopleplay with childrenhelp farmers look after the animalsThey can Word puzzlemrhuntseyisgkihmqoscpolicepsshgcedfaileuvvbngnisafelyggocrjskmthsudblind Mr Hu and his class have come back from the SPCA. He has asked the students to make a display about dogs.Dogs are our best friends123456Look, read and match Dogs are our best friends123456listen and match123456 Many, many years ago, people lived with dogs in caves.Dogs guarded the caves and kept people safe from danger.Dogs also helped people hunt animals for food.Dogs ate the meat, too.listen and read12 Today, dogs help people in many different ways.They help the police catch thieves and find missing people.Dogs help blind people.They help blind people cross the road safely.34 They help farmers on their farms.They can bring other animals, like sheep, to the farmer.They can guard our homes and play with people.We should be kind to dogs.We should take care of them carefully.56 123456listen and read togetherDogs are our best friends answer questions1 Where did people live with their dogs many years ago?2 What did dogs do at that time?3 What else did dogs do for people?They lived in caves.They guarded the caves and kept people safe from danger.They also helped people hunt animals for food. 4 What do dogs do to help the police?5 What do dogs do to help blind people?6 What do dogs do to help farmers?They help ca


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