高三英语 Unit3 Places of interestreading课件 牛津上海S1A.pptVIP

高三英语 Unit3 Places of interestreading课件 牛津上海S1A.ppt

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Want to travel? Jin Mao BuildingOriental Pearl TV TowerGolden Beach (Feng Xian)Places of interest in shanghai The BundShanghai Yu GardenPlaces of interest in shanghaiPeople’s Square Happy & unforgettable memories What…?Where…?When…?How…?Name: The Oriental LandLocation: In Qing Pu Outline: A huge place with …Complete Time of construction: Year 2002Open time: 8a.m.- 4p.m.Other information: … Prediction:What do you want to know about the Great Wall? Skimming: Read part 1 very quickly and see whether the text covers what you want to know. Scanning: Read the text again and find the detailed information to fill in the blanks.Name: The Great WallLocation: It is in _________________.Outline: It ______ and turns along ______________ chains. It is _____________________ long.Time of It was begun to construct from _________construction: and took ________in _______________.Open time: It opens at __________ and closes at __________in _____________.Other information: It is very great, wonderful… northern Chinatwiststhe tops of mountainmore than 4,000 kilometres the 5th century BCshapethe 3rd century BC6:30a.m.7p.m.summer The Shanghai MuseumDingScanning: Read part 2 of the text and find the detailed informationName:Location:Outline:Time of construction:Open time:Other information: Near … looks like…Year 19969a.m-5p.m.Includes galleries galleries:Ancient furniturePaintings & calligraphyAncient Chinese bronze ware The Potala PalaceTibetLhasa NameLocationTime of constructionOut lineOpen timeOther informationName:Location:Outline:Time of construction:Open time:Other information: Now comes your turn!Task:Choose to introduce one of the following constructions to your pen friend in Britain:Name: Location: Outline:Time of construction:Open time:Other information: Homework:1. Listen to the tape and imitate the pronunciation and intonation of the recording.2. Surf the Internet and look fo


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