二零二三年 优质公开课Unit3GoingplacesReading2.ppt

二零二三年 优质公开课Unit3GoingplacesReading2.ppt

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单项选择。 ( )1. The girl ____ an angel, and her voice ____ sweet. A. looks;sounds B. looks like;sounds like C. looks like;sounds D. looks;sounds like 根据中文意思完成句子。 2. 这个孩子看上去很聪明,长相像他爸爸。 The child _____ _____ and ____ ____ his father. looks clever looks like C Then suddenly we saw a huge wave coming towards us. 然后突然我们看到一个巨浪向我们涌来。(P34) No, we didn’t, but we saw people shooting a film there. 不,没有,但是我们看到人们正在那儿拍电影 see sb / sth doing sth表示看到某人(物)正在做某事,强调动作正在进行。 【注意】对比see sb / sth do sth,see sb /sth do sth表示看到某人(物)做了某事,强调“看见某人(物)做过某事”。像see 这样的感官动词还有hear , feel , watch, notice等都可以跟do 或doing分别表示不同的意思。 单项选择 ( )3. When I walked past the garden, I heard some children ____ inside. A. laugh B. laughed C. laughing D. to laugh 根据中文意思完成句子 4. 刚刚我看见他上了巴士。 I ____ ____ ____ on the bus just now. saw him get C I asked them whether they saw any film stars. 我问他们是否看到了明星。(P34) The director even asked us if we wanted to be in the film as extras. 导演甚至问我们是否愿意在影片中扮演群众演员。(P34) whether 和if 都可以表示是否,引导宾语从句。但是当宾语从句中有or not 出现时,只能使用whether。 例如: I asked the boys whether they would take part in the sports meeting or not. 我问男孩们他们是否将参加运动会。 【拓展】if 除了表示“是否”之外,还可以表示“如果”,引导条件状语从句。例如: If it rains tomorrow, they will have to stay at home. 如果明天下雨,他们就只能呆在家里了。 单项选择 ( )5. I don’t know ____ she will come or not. But she comes, I will let you know. A. if; if B. if; whether C. whether; whether D. whether; if ( )6. My friend asked me ____ I would go to the cinema with her this weekend or not. A. though B. whether C. if D. since D B The park is both an amusement park and a film studio. (P34) 这个公园既是一个游乐公园又是一个电影 棚。 both...and...表示“既是……又 是……”指两者兼而有之;类似的并列连词还 有:neither...nor...表示“既不 是……又不是……”;either...or...表 示“要么……要么……”。 根据中文意思完成句子 1. 他不是我的表哥,也不是我的弟弟,只是我的邻居。 He is _____ my cousin _____ my brother. He is just my neighbor. 2. —— 谁在支持会议? —— 要么迈克,要么玛丽。 — Who is holding the meeting? — ____ Mike ____ Mary. 3. 刘老师和陈老师都很友善。 ____ Miss L


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