二零二三年 优质公开课Unit3InventorsandinventionsWarmingupReading6.pptVIP

二零二三年 优质公开课Unit3InventorsandinventionsWarmingupReading6.ppt

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Unit 3 Inventors and inventions Warming up Reading 1.Do you know some famous inventors and their inventions? Try to make a list of them.Leading in What are the important inventions of the 20th century? Which do you think is the most important one? Year InventionInventor (s)1902Air conditionWillis Carrie 1903Gas-motored and manned planeWright brothers1910The first talking filmThomas Edison1923Television Logie Baird 1928Penicillin Alexander Fleming 1937photocopierChester F Carlson1940Color television Peter Goldmark1942Electronic digital computerAmerican scientists 1945Atomic bomb American scientists1950Credit cardsRalph Schneide1985Windows OSMicrosoft Company1990World Wide WebTim burners-lee Warming upDiscussion: Who was Edison? Do you know how many inventions he made? Can you mention some of them? Everybody knows he invented the electric bulb. A lamp can’t give light without electricity. Thomas Edison invented the electric bulb. Did Edison invent electricity? Can electricity be invented? Is electricity an invention or discovery? Why? 2. Which of this pictures show inventions? Does any of them show discoverers? Stephenson’s “Rocket” An amphibious car DNA 伽利略的望远镜牛顿制造的反射望远镜X射线广泛用于医学领域 谷腾堡发明的印刷机英国钟表匠阿克莱特发明的水力纺纱机 3. Work out rules that will help you decide what is discovery and what is an invention?(1) A discovery is A discovery merely makes known something that already exist in nature, such as the discovery on the New Continent by Columbia. (2) An invention is something that created by human being, such as the lighting rod. DiscoveriesInventions1. Electricity1. Systems of delivering electrical light and heating to homes and offices2. Household machines for washing, ironing, keeping food cold, etc3. Computers, telephones, television, etc DiscoveriesInventions2. The movement of air1. Airplane jet engines2. Air balloons, etc Machines to help people with serious disease (like kidney failure) 3. The circulation of the blood DiscoveriesInventio


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