二零二三年 优质公开课Unit3InventorsandinventionsLanguagepoints3.pptVIP

二零二三年 优质公开课Unit3InventorsandinventionsLanguagepoints3.ppt

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14. Only after you have had that recognition can you say that you are truly an inventor. only 修饰状语, 置于句首, 主句的语序需要倒装。 e.g. Only by working hard can we pass the exams. 13. passive adj. 被动的, 消极的; 不抵抗的; 不活跃的 e.g. He played a passive role in the marriage. 15. Nor will you receive a patent until a search has made to find out that your product really is different from everybody else’s. 以否定词no, not, never, hardly, seldom, neither, little等开头引导的句子, 句子的主句要部分倒装。 e.g. Never can you pass the exam if you don’t devote yourself to your study. Never have I seen such an exciting film. Little did I know what was about to happen. 16. application 1) 申请, 请求 e.g. I made an application to the bank for a loan. 2) 实施 e.g. the strict application of the law 严明执法 apply v. 申请, 请求, 实施 e.g. apply to the publishers for permission ~ to sb. for sth. 向某人申请… apply the law strictly 严格的执行法律 1. Speech d___________ man from animals. 2. He was r_______ from prison yesterday. 3. She was unable to b_____ the pain any longer. 4. The c_________ consists of 24 members. 5. Suddenly I felt a flash of i__________. 6. His method is very p________. 7. The line was busy and the operator asked If I’d like to h__________ on. 8. Its our e__________ that you will do well. Word Spelling xpectation istinguishes eleased ear ommittee nspiration ractical ang / hold * * * * * * * * * Unit 3 Inventors and inventions Language points 1. go through 1) 经历(不愉快的事) Most families went through a lot in the war. 2) 通过, 成功, 成交 The plan did not go through. 3) 审阅, 检查 I can’t go though the letters in an hour. 4) 翻找, 查看 Mother went through the drawer for her glasses. A terrible noise went through the house. 5) 穿过, 通过 read through 通读 look through 浏览 flow through 流过 get through 通过, 接通, 使….成功 search through 搜寻, 查找 2. do research on /into /in... 从事, 进行, 做研究 e.g. They are carrying out a research into the causes of cancer. 注意: research可


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