二零二三年 优质公开课Module2Unit4BigbusnessesReading.ppt

二零二三年 优质公开课Module2Unit4BigbusnessesReading.ppt

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21. (There is) no doubt (that) 毫无疑问 Eg: There is no doubt that he will succeed this time. 毫无疑问,他这次一定会成功。 There is no doubt that radio and television are important means of communication. 毫无疑问,收音机和电视是信息交流的重要工具。 毋庸置疑,动物没有水是无法生存的。 There is no doubt that animals cannot live without water. 毫无疑问,屈原赋是中国文学史上一座不朽的丰碑。 There is no doubt that Qu Yuan has become an everlasting monument in the history of Chinese literature. 毫无疑问,农民的生活水平将大幅度提高。 There is no doubt that the farmers living standard will be improved to a great extent. Translation 1. 铜棒加热后会膨胀。(expand) 2.我们得打好行李准备动身了。(pack) 3.我们将详细讨论这项计划。(detail) 4.我们向俄国出口麦子,从日本进口蚕丝。(port, export) 5.他们采用新的养羊技术。 (adopt) 6.别为他担心;他是个开朗的人。(cheerful) 7.许多银行决定建立国外分行。? (establish)? 8.他对结果不会满意。(be happy with) 9. ?经理决定开展一次推销活动。 (launch) 10.毫无疑问,她是胜任做这工作的。 (there is no doubt) 1. A copper bar will expand when it is heated. 2. We must pack up and get ready to start. 3. We’ll discuss the plan in detail. 4. We export wheat to Russia and import silk from Japan. 5. They adopt new techniques in raising sheep. 6. Don’t worry about him; he is a cheerful man.? 7. Many banks decide to establish foreign branches.? 8. He won’t be happy with the result.? 9. The manager decided to launch a sales campaign. 10. There can be no doubt that she is qualified for the job.? The differences of some expressions 1. person, personnel, personal person是单数人 ,可指任何一个人。 personnel (总称)人员, e.g. working personnel 工作人员, operating personnel 操作人员(后面动词可用单复数) administrative personnel 行政人员 personal adj. 个人的 There were five airline personnel on the plane that crashed. 失事的飞机上有五位航班工作人员。 If a person really wants something, he will work harder to get it. 如果一个人真的想获得某种东西,那他愿意付出更多的努力。 Its said that his visit is purely personal.? ? 据说他的访问纯属私人性质。? ? 2. a number of,the number of (1) a number of 是指“大量的”,后面的动词是复数形式 Eg. A number of our classmates love English. A number of students are playing.许多学生在玩耍。 这里的a number of



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