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通过食谱分析探讨田螺山与梁王城遗址 先民对渔业资源的利用 摘要:对渔业食用资源的利用是人类生业经济的重要方面,然而至今尚无专文介绍如何定量分析渔业食 物资源在先民食物结构中所占的比例。本文采用利用同位素传递信号重建食谱(FRUITS)模型,以田螺 山遗址与梁王城遗址已发表的先民和动植物稳定同位素数据为例,对先民食物结构中的多种食物资源比 重进行分析。结果显示,梁王城遗址渔业资源在食谱中占5%~22% ;田螺山遗址淡水渔业资源在食谱中 占5%~20%, 而海洋渔业资源在 10% 以下。 关键词:渔业食物资源利用;田螺山遗址;梁王城遗址;食谱模型分析 Discussion on the utilization of fishery resources by the ancestors of Tianluoshan and liangwangcheng sites based on the diet analysis SHI Chongyang, GUO Yi Department of Archaeology, Cultural Heritage and Museology, School of art and archaeology of Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310028 Abstract: The utilization of fishery resources by human beings is an important issue to discuss the subsistence strategy. However, there is no specific paper on how to quantitatively analyze the proportion of fishery food resources in human diet. Taking the recipes of the ancestors of Tianluoshan site and Liangwangcheng site as examples, this paper analyzes the proportion of various food resources in the diet of the ancestors by using the FRUITS(Food Reconstruction Using Isotopic Transferred Signals) model. The results showed that the fishery resources of Liangwangcheng site accounted for about 5%~22% of the recipes, the freshwater fishery resources of Tianluoshan site accounted for about 5%~20% of the recipes, and the marine fishery resources were less than 10%. Keywords: fishery food; Tianluoshan site; Liangwangcheng site; diet 收稿日期: ;定稿日期: 2020-04-19 2020-12-22 基金项目:浙江省哲学社会科学规划课题(21NDJC031YB);浙江省社科规划之江青年课题(21ZJQN02YB);杭州市哲学社 会科学规划常规性课题(Z20JC076 );中央高校基本科研业务费等 作者简介:施崇阳( ),男,浙江杭州人,硕士研究生,主要从事科技考古学研究。 1997- E-mail:zju.edu.cn 通讯作者:郭怡,教授,主要从事科技考古学研究。 E-mail: guoyi10@zju.edu.cn Citation : Shi CY, Guo Y. Discussion on the utilization of fisher


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