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Xin Zhu Yuan Middle School International Program English Class Prepared by: Ms. Regine Kara Cansino Phonics short A sound at ab ax ack bat cab fax back cat dab lax hack fat jab max lack hat lab pax rack mat nab wax sack Phonics Shout out the word with the short A sound pay sat rap take tag date jam tale can drank ash Tenses can be used to show when something happened In this lesson you will learn that verbs show us when something happened. For example, I am ying football. Yesterday I yed football. Tomorrow I will y football. In ctive task Write each sentence again but put it into past tense. Stefan ys football. Hayley sings in the choir. In ctive task James is hel his teacher. David is writing a story. Well done ! In ctive task Joseph works well in a group. He tries hard to listen to others. Abbie speaks clearly to the class. Well done ! Well done so far. So sometimes we add -ed laughed helped shouted cheered wa


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