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;among all the poets(诗人) of the tang dynasty(朝代), I admire(崇拜)Li Bai most . ;For all the Chinese people, even if you don't know classical literature(古典文学), even if you don't like poetry(诗歌) at all, you will meet Li Bai when you open up your mouth, hold up your pen, and meet him when you're a kid. But have you ever thought (思考)about if there were no Li Bai in history(历史)?;If there were no Li Bai;;如果没有李白, 几乎所有唐代大诗人的地位, 都会提升一档。;李商隐不用再叫“小李”;;;;如果没有李白, 我们熟知的神州大地也会模糊起来。;我们不再知道—— 黄河之水哪里来? 庐山瀑布有多高? 燕山雪花有多大? 桃花潭水有多深? 蜀道究竟有多难?;文字标题;;幸甚至哉,我们的历史有一个李白。Luckily, there is a Li Bai in our history. 幸甚至哉,我们的心中有一个李白。Fortunately, there is a Li Bai in our heart. 啊,李白!你是谪仙人,你是明月魂。 Hi, Li Bai, you are?banished?immortal, you are the soul of the bright moon.;admire [?d?ma??(r)] 欣赏; 赞赏; 称赞;长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海。;Thanks;among all the poets(诗人) of the tang dynasty(朝代), I admire(崇拜)Li Bai most . ;For all the Chinese people, even if you don't know classical literature(古典文学), even if you don't like poetry(诗歌) at all, you will meet Li Bai when you open up your mouth, hold up your pen, and meet him when you're a kid. But have you ever thought (思考)about if there were no Li Bai in history(历史)?;If there were no Li Bai;;如果没有李白, 几乎所有唐代大诗人的地位, 都会提升一档。;李商隐不用再叫“小李”;;;;如果没有李白, 我们熟知的神州大地也会模糊起来。;我们不再知道—— 黄河之水哪里来? 庐山瀑布有多高? 燕山雪花有多大? 桃花潭水有多深? 蜀道究竟有多难?;文字标题;;幸甚至哉,我们的历史有一个李白。Luckily, there is a Li Bai in our history. 幸甚至哉,我们的心中有一个李白。Fortunately, there is a Li Bai in our heart. 啊,李白!你是谪仙人,你是明月魂。 Hi, Li Bai, you are?banished?immortal, you are the soul of the bright moon.;admire [?d?ma??(r)] 欣赏; 赞赏; 称赞;长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海。;Thanks


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