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礼物的英文11篇 礼物的英文11篇 礼物的英文(1) 情境: 仆人Peter(医生)生日,他的三个伴侣来个他庆贺。然后四个人述说她们的境况及职业之类的话题。 John是一名老师,Ann是一名建筑学家,Paul现在在房地产工作 地点是在Peter家,客人:John Pual Ann 四个人边就餐边闲聊。到即将离开的时候再送生日礼物 Doorbell rings Peter :Hello ,John..Nice to see you..Come in .How are you ? John :Fine,thanks.Happy birthday !I expect your parents keep you busy at this time of year? Peter :Ah ,well,I can’t plain,Let me take your coat,Well,I don’t think you’ve met Ann these years,have you ? Ann:Oh~how do you do ?Long time no see. John :how do you do ? Ann :Well.that ‘s interesting.Perhaps you’ll be looking after my son. Peter :yes,that’s right,John’s school is in the process of doing it . Doorbell rings. Peter :please excuse me for a moment, I think that was the doorbell . John :well ,if I can give you a hand with anything…you know .i live just over the road . Ann :that’s kind of you ,I am an architect myself,so…oh,look~there is someone I know,Pual Peter :hey ,guys ,Pual ,Ann’s college’s classmate. Ann :yeh ,hello ,Pual. Pual :fancing meet you here!How’s the life ? Ann :that’ ok .how things with you ?you’re still at the same estate agant’s.i suppose Pual :oh yes I can’t see myself leaving,well ,not in the foreseeable future Peter:I quiet forget .Do you two know each other?John. John :yes ,actually,we’ve met on many occasion,hello.Pual. Peter :oh really .i didn’t know about it Pual:yes ,actually,we’ve met at e party,just like this (大家拿出礼物送给Peter) Ann :well.we can’t forget today is Peter’s birthday,this my present_puter.just have a rest when you finish the operation .like watching some movies Pual :these two tickets for the concernt ,take you wife with you John :this is the book I think is useful for your job,and happy birthday. Peter:thank you all very much .i like all the present, PS:时间应当不会挺长,不懂的上有道词典查哈 Good luck for you !!! 礼物的英文(2) 礼物的英文(3) One dollar and eighty-seven cents. That was all. And sixty ce


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