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工程名称:80万吨/年电石装置 施工单位:十一冶建设集团有限责任公司
序号 名称 规格型号 购置日期 设置地点 数量 负责人 状态 维修日期 备注 1 灭火器 MFZ/ABC4 2013.5.8 钢结构加工厂 30 路广禾 良好 2013.6.8 2 塑料管 2013.5.8 施工现场 4 盘福益 良好 3 消防桶 2013.5.24 办公室区 2 李文彬 良好 4 斧头 2013.5.24 办公室区 3 李文彬 良好
生活区、施工现5 灭火器 MFZ/ABC4 2013.5.25 120 黄运用 良好 2013.6.25 场
生活区、施工现黄运用、盘福6 灭火器箱 2013.5.25 60 良好 场 益
7 消防桶 2013.6.13 生活区 3 黄运用 良好 8 消防锹 2013.6.13 办公区 6 李文彬 良好
ships of 72 and a half the Harbour, like room Tao Yuan. Triangle at the cemetery (Shanghai, Nanjing and Hangzhou), and the small triangle (Soviet Union, Ka, Lake) where the hinterland, at the junction of Jiangsu, East, South and west sides respectively, and jiaxing in Zhejiang Province, Wuzhen, Nanxun town and connected. After the liberation, 17 townships, Yan Tomb, provided there is a town, District Administration had in town. A unique geographical environment, has become the militarys battleground. On November 5, 1937, Japan 10th army landed in Hangzhou Bay, North Bay, on November 12, Shanghai fell. Part of the Japanese army to the North along the flood of jiaxing railway, Jiujiang road, invaded Wu Jiang. On November 18, the Japanese army occupied Wujiang city. Stationed in Wujiangs
工程名称:80万吨/年电石装置 施工单位:十一冶建设集团有限责任公司
序号 名称 规格型号 购置日期 设置地点 数量 负责人 状态 维修日期 备注
生活区、钢筋加路广禾、盘福1 应急药箱 2013.6.9 3 良好 工厂、办公室区 益
2 灭火器 MFZ/ABC4 2013.8.4 施工现场 48 李文彬 良好 3 4 5 6 7 8
ships of 72 and a half the Harbour, like room Tao Yuan. Triangle at the cemetery (Shanghai, Nanjing and Hangzhou), and the small triangle (Soviet Union, Ka, Lake) where the hinterland, at the junction of Jiangsu, East, South and west sides respectively, and jiaxing in Zhejiang Province, Wuzhen, Nanxun town and connected. After the liberation, 17 townships, Yan Tomb, provided there is a town, District Administration had in town. A unique geographical environment, has become the militarys battleground. On November 5, 1937, Japan 10th army landed in Hangzhou Bay, North Bay, on November 12, Shanghai fell. Part of the Japanese army to the
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