2024高考英语复习 状语从句的运用与翻译 课件.pptx

2024高考英语复习 状语从句的运用与翻译 课件.pptx

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; Contents;Definitions of sentence;English Types of Sentence in terms of Structure ;Figure out the type of each sentence.;Compound Sentence ;;1.Serial actions and conditions. The pupils finished their lessons and they went out to play. 学生们上完课出去玩去了。 By now, a rocket will have set off on its 35 million mile trip to Mars and scientists must be waiting anxiously for the result. 到现在,火箭将完成围绕火星运行3500万英里的旅程,科学家们都焦急 的等待着。;2. Further explanation The seal provided meats for many meals, and it will provide skin and oil as well. 这头海豹的肉够我们吃很多顿了,还能从中获取海豹皮和海豹油。 On the way to the pasture there was a bridge, it crossed a small stream. 去往牧场的路上有座桥,桥跨过了一条小溪。;3. Comments or Remarks He was my first teacher — and I am proud of it. 他是我的启蒙老师,让我引以为傲。 He is working hard, or at least he appears to be working hard. 他工作努力,至少看起来很努力。 4. Cause-Result relationship We must start early, for we have a long way to go. 我们有很长一段路要赶,必须得早点开始。 The old gardener watered the seed regularly, and they grew faster than expected. 老园丁按时给种子浇水,种子比预想的长得快些。 ;顺序并列句逻辑词翻译总结;Complex Sentence: A complex sentence has an independent clause and at least one dependent clause.;The Definition of Adverbial Clause;状语从句的语序问题;状语从句的语序问题;;1. Adverbial Clause of Time is commonly fronted by as, when, while, before, after, since, et. Many centuries had passed before man learned to make fun. (from textbook) 几个世纪过去了,人们才学会取火。 When the board was spinning slowly, you can see all the different color. (from textbook) 纸板慢慢旋转,你就能看到各种不同的色彩。 They kept on working until it became completely dark. 他们不停地工作,直到天完全黑了下来。 ;The Adverbial Clause of Time are fronted by “before”;The Adverbial Clause of Time are fronted by “when”;The Adverbial Clause of Time are fronted by “until”;2. Adverbial clause of Place is commonly fronted by where and wherever. Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者,事竟成。 Wherever he happens to be, John can make himself at home. 约翰无论在哪,都能让自己宾至如归。 Where the ancient knew nothing, we know a little. 古人一无所


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