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Word文档下载后(可任意编辑) 第 第 PAGE 1 页 共 NUMPAGES 1 页 五年级语法知识点 五年级语法学问点 第一篇五年级语法学问点 第五篇五年级语法学问点 第六篇 11some 用于确定句中,在否认句和问句中改为any,但当表示委婉语气时仍用 如:Can I have some writing paper? Would you like some orange juice? 12代词 人称代词主格做主语用一般放在句首或动词前,主格分别是 I you he she it we you they。 宾格做宾语用,一般放在动词或介词后 如:Open them for Let us …, join me等。 宾格分别是me you him her it us you them。 形容词性物主代词放在名词前,不能单独使用,分别是my your his her its our your their 名词性物主代词相当于形物加名词,它只能单独使用后面不好加名词,分别是mine yours his hers its ours yours theirs。 13介词 介词后要么不加动词,加动词只能加动词ing形式 如:be good at running; do well in jumping; 14时间介词 季节前,月份前用介词in 如:in summer;in March 具体的哪一天如星期几,几月几日用介词on 如:on Saturday; on the second of April; on Wednesday morning 在几点钟前用介词at 如: at a quarter to four; 只在上下午晚上用in 如:in the morning/ afternoon/ evening; 但在夜间用at night。 另:季节,月份和星期前不好加 五年级语法学问点 第七篇 7go的用法 去干嘛用go +动词ing 如: go swimming; go fishing; go skating; go camping; go running; go skiing; go rowing… 8比较 than 前用比较级;as…as之间用原级。 如:My mother is two years younger than my 我妈比我爸年轻两岁。 Liu Tao jumps as far as 刘涛跳得和本一样远。 9喜爱做某事 用like +动词ing或like+ to + 动原。 如: Su Yang likes growing 苏阳喜爱种花。 The children like to play with lanterns at Spring 孩子们喜爱在春节去玩花灯。 10想要做某事 用 would like +to+动原或want + to +动原。 例:I’d like to visit the History want to visit the History Museum 五年级语法学问点 第8篇 Unit 1 the first day 第一天 the new term 新学期 all the students 全部学生 at school 在学校 each other 相互 a new building 一幢新教学楼 a lot of rooms 很多房间 how many 多少 two reading rooms两间阅览室 have a look 看一看 go and play 去玩 go and 去看看 go and have a look 看一看 a lot of flowers and trees 很多花和树 good idea 好想法 in the street 在街道上 on the plate 在盘子里 on the table 在桌子上 句子 Is there a garden in the school? No, there isn


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