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Baxter 大狗巴克斯特选自《科林英语第九级 》漯河市第二實驗中學:耿慧杰 Free talk. Do you have a pet? What pet do you like? What do you often do with your pet? Look at the cover(封面) and answer the questions.1. What is the title? Who is Baxter? 2. What did they do? How did they feel--felt? 3. What will happen between Baxter and Max?plate 原形--过去式 apartmenttruckHis nose is bleeding.paws(pl.) ------------------------------------(排序)-12345Task1:Skimming(略读). Group 1Group 2Group 3Group 4Group 5Group 6Group 7Task2:Scanning(跳读). (3’) Read and answer . 1. Who are the characters? Where is the setting(背景) of this story? 2. What was the problem? How do you know that? 3. How did they solve the problem? What would happen next?Max was going to live in the apartment.But it is too small for his dog Baxter. Max left Baxter on farm. Read and check 1. How did Baxter look? 2. What did he think? What did he do???jump over the fence How did Baxter show he was determined(决心)?Find the words that tell you.Read and check ? How do you know Max really cared for Baxter? Do you think Max and his mum should take Baxter to the apartment? Read and check What made Max/Baxter sad?Do you think there is another way to solve this problem?Read and check Read and check Who do you think this new character is?Does she like Baxter?How do you know? Why Polly said “This dog has the best of all worlds?”Read and check Task3 Read after the audio silently(默默地) and retell the story.Show Time My sister and her friends come into my room.But I don’t like them.What should I do ?Can you give me some suggestions?1.2.3.My problemDo you want to know how I solved my problem?I put a on the door. Do not disturb What did you learn in this class/lesson?Loyalty(忠诚) They taught me the meaning of loyalty that you should never forget any one that you loved. (忠诚的意义在于我们不应该忘记爱过的每一个人). We must be loyal to (忠于……)everyone around us.Love We are friends,Don’t make them alone. It’s a part of your life,but


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