高中英语Unit 1 Festivals around the worldLanguage points课件人教必修三.pptVIP

高中英语Unit 1 Festivals around the worldLanguage points课件人教必修三.ppt

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Unit 1 Language points mean+n./pron./to do/ sb. to do/ that-clause… 意味,打算, I mean Tuesday. He meant to go there tomorrow. I meant you to buy the book. mean to do mean doing I don’t mean to argue with you. Passing the entrance examination means being admitted into college. mean+ n. /pron./ to do 当真,并非开玩笑 He said he would help you and he meant it. mean: n. 平均数 meaning n. meaningful adj. meaningless means: n. 方式,方法,手段,工具 2. celebrate: vt. /vi. celebrator: n. celebration: n. 3. discuss /argue /debate 4. take place: 事先计划或预想到的事情的发生 happen:偶然发生 occur:比happen更正式 break out:指战争、灾害、疾病的发生 come about:中性词 1)Great changes have _____________ in Guang Zhou in the past 10 years. 2) The accident __________ this morning. 3) SARS _____________ all over China in the spring of 2003. 4) Could you tell me how the accident ___________________? taken place happened broke out happened/came about 5. favorite: 喜欢的人或事。只做定语。 favorable: 表条件有利时或对说的话同意、支持。可做定语和表语。 If the weather is favorable, we’ll go out. Li Yong is a great favorite of mine. 6. hold: vt./vi 1)举行;2)阻止,控制;3)握住; 4)保持特定的位置、态度、姿势或关系; 5)支持,承重;6)容纳 She held her mother’s hand. The meeting will be held this afternoon. Nothing can hold back the wheel of history. Hold yourself still while I take your photo. The branch couldn’t hold your heavy bag. This room can hold 2000 people. 7. starve : starve to death 8. Food was difficult to find Your question is difficult to answer. My boss is easy to get along with. 9. honour: v. n. do sb. honour / do honour to sb. 向…表敬意 in honour of 为祝贺/纪念…,为向…表敬意 on one’s honour 以名誉担保 10. satisfy: 不用于进行时 satisfy sb./sth be satisfied with sb./sth be satisfied to do sth. satisfied / satisfying: adj. satisfaction: n. 11. do harm to sb./ sth do good to sb. = do sb


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