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《新目标英语》七年级上学期Unit 2 单元教学设计 第七课时教学设计 Title Unit 2 This is my sister. Revision + Self check Students Grade 7 Type of lesson Revision (self check) Time Date 40 mins September 22nd Teacher Zeng Yan School Gaoxin Experimental Middle School = 1 \* ROMAN I. Analysis of Teaching Contents 本单元的话题是家庭,功能是介绍和指认人物关系。本课时为单元复习课。学生通过Self Check 1中通过将所学家庭成员名称分类,复习词汇的同时,能在使用目标语介绍和指认人物关系时,用不同人称代词指代不同性别的名词;Self Check 2创设了一个具体对话语境,要求学生用本单元重要语言结构与功能句型完成对话。 在设计本课时活动时,在整合单元教学内容的基础上,结合Self Check内容,设计与单元话题相关的听力任务,帮助学生梳理本单元重点词汇以及功能句型,引导学生通过对话介绍主线人物Cindy的家庭照片,进而运用功能句型采访并了解同学的家庭成员。然后结合一篇Lin Hai对其另外两位美国朋友的家庭照片的说明文,帮助学生通过阅读,分析文章结构以及相关的句型,为最后向Cindy介绍自己和朋友的家庭成员,完成一篇短文做准备。 = 2 \* ROMANII.Analysis of Students 通过前面六个课时的学习,学生基本能用人称代词、指示代词、和who引导的特殊疑问句和一般疑问句介绍和指认人物关系,能用目标语言口头介绍自己的家人。这给本课的复习和拔高奠定了基础。 III.Teaching Objectives By the end of the class, students will be able to … family members quickly through listening; and introduce people with some pronouns and yes-or-no questions and WHO –questions correctly; for the specific information and know the structure of how to introduce other people’s family members. an article to introduce other people’s family members. the importance of family and love their family more. IV.Teaching Focus Students can identify and introduce people with some pronouns and yes-or-no questions and WHO –questions correctly; Solution: To achieve the teaching focus, teacher will guide the students to review the words, phrases and sentence patters through some listening tasks. And the teacher will be ready to offer help while students are making conversations in class if necessary. V.Potential difficulty in learning Students may have difficulty in raising questions to interview their classmates. Solution: To overcome the potential difficulty, students will get some listening, speaking practice on the target language. VI.Teaching Procedures Procedures Purposes minutes Stage 1 Lead-in Listen to the teacher and get to know the setting of the conversation. To prepare studen


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