Module5 Unit1 知识点配套全练习(含答案)(外研版八年级上册).docx

Module5 Unit1 知识点配套全练习(含答案)(外研版八年级上册).docx

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第 第 PAGE 1 页 共 NUMPAGES 1 页 Module5 Unit1 知识点配套全练习(含答案)(外研版八年级上册) 一.用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空 no idea, be famous for, plan to, next time, drink tea 1.Yao Ming         playing basketball many years ago.? 2.They         have a tea party with their family last week.? 3.When you go shopping         , remember to bring an umbrella with you.? 4.My parents had         about how to book a ticket online.? 5.Uncle Li enjoys         in his spare time.? 二.根据汉语意思完成句子 1.你知道的,昨晚我们在刘老根大舞台待了三个小时。         , we            in Liu Laogen Grand Stage last night.? 2.对于这位老人来说,京剧很容易理解。     is very easy for the old man         the Beijing Opera.? 3.最后,我们决定去大连度假。 We decided      to Dalian on holiday           .? 4.迈克想要再次去看这部电影。 Mike            go to see the film again.? 三.单项选择 (  )1.—I want a ticket to Shanghai this afternoon, please. —OK. Will you please     me your ID card?? (  )2.—     was the film you saw last night?? —It was great! A.How aboutB.What C.What aboutD.How (  )3.—I think English is hard to learn. —    . Just keep learning it, and you’ll find it easy.? A.That’s the main thingB.It’s impossible C.I can’t agree with youD.That’s too bad (  )4. —How was your skating lesson last week? —Not bad. Although I fell over many times, I managed to skate at last.(选出可以替换画线部分的最佳选项)? the present timesD.on time (  )5.Larry hopes     his English, so he keeps practising it every day.? understandB.understanding improveD.improving 四.口语运用 A: Hello, Tony. .     ? B: Fine, thanks! And you? A: Not so bad.Mary and I plan to see the movie KongYiji tonight. B: KongYiji? I heard of it. .     ? A: Lu Xun. Do you know him? B: .     Can you tell me something about him? ? A: Sure! Lu Xun was one of the most famous writers in China.He was famous for his novels, such as TheTrueStoryofAhQ, MyOldHome and VillageOpera. B: Oh, I see.Can I go to see the movie with you? A: Of course. B: Thanks. .     ? A: At :. B: .     ? A: Let's make it : at the cinema gate. B: OK. Se


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