四川省凉山彝族自治州昭觉中学高中英语 Reading复习课件 外研必修5.pptVIP

四川省凉山彝族自治州昭觉中学高中英语 Reading复习课件 外研必修5.ppt

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Module 6;1.Recently there has been a _______(急剧的) decline in interest in gardening throughout the town. 2.It’s said that a sea m_________ appears in the lake now and then. 3.They’re very m_________ about their holiday plans. 4.He stayed under water for two minutes,and then swam to the s_________. 5. At the f news,the f boy couldn’t move or cry. 6. No group (声称)that they were responsible for the bomb explosion.;;;1. Read the beginning of the passage and decide where it comes from.;Skimming ;;Note-taking;Choose the best way to complete the definitions of the words in the box.;4. A horn is a type of bone which comes out of an animal’ s __________. a ) tail b) head c ) back 5. If you dive into water you go ________. a ) feet first b) bottom first c ) hands and head first 6. If you repeat something you _________. a ) do it again b) stop doing it c ) do it many times 7. Something which appears can be__________. a ) seen b) heard c ) touched;8. Calm water is not __________. a ) dangerous b) deep c ) moving 9. If you are sceptical about something you __________. a ) know nothing about it b) believe it to be true c ) don’t really believe it 10. The temperature of something is ________ a ) how heavy it b) how hot or cold it is c ) how deep it is;The “Monster” of Lake Tianchi, the highest _______ lake in the world, is ____ ___ ____ __after several recent sightings. But no one has ever got a clear look at the ___________creature. In one sighting, as is _______by the director of a local tourist office, it is black and _____________the water like a seal. In another recent sighting, a group of soldiers watched it _________ for about two minutes. A third report _____ ______a family who claimed to have seen a round black creature_______


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