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动物福利与动物保护 ;动物福利 动物权利 动物意识 伦理的演化 动物的保护 ;问题的由来: 人与动物的关系及动物法律地位;;;;Aristotle Altemps;René Descartes 勒内·笛卡儿(1596-1650) Animals were not conscious and behaved as automatons. ;Jeremy Bentham 杰里米·边沁(1748 – 1832)British philosopher;Peter Singer(1946-);辛格1975年出版了Animal Liberation一书 ,提出了‘物种歧视(speciesism)”的概念。这本书1990年、2002年, 2009年多次再版,成为动物解放运动的理论基础。辛格认为动物具有感受痛苦的经历,因此必须考虑动物的利益。;意大利哲学家,因为主张将人类权利延伸到类人猿而闻名。著作有《动物问题:为什么非人动物应有人类权利》1988-1998年任Etica Animali主编 How much do animals matter--morally? Can we keep considering them as second class beings, to be used merely for our benefit? Or, should we offer them some form of moral egalitarianism? Cavalieri discovers that its very logic extends to nonhuman animals as beings who are owed basic moral and legal rights and that, as a result, human rights are not human after all.;类人猿项目(The Great Ape Project (GAP);Gary Francione (1954 -) Professor of law and philosophy at Rutgers School of Law-Newark, is a leading abolitionist writer, arguing that animals need only one right, the right not to be owned.;Tom Regan (1938-) Animal welfare movement for not going far enough to protect animals interests.;法官 Richard Posner;牛津大学教授Colin Blakemore;哲学家Roger Scruton;The current environmental movement directs its energies at the bigger picture but fails to see that environmental problems are generated and resolved by ordinary people.;Drawing on Scrutyon’ss own experiences of hunting and offering a delightful portrait of the people and animals who take part in it. Scruton introduces the mysteries of country life. He pleas for tolerance toward a sport in which the love of animals prevails over the pursuit of them, and in which Nature herself is the center of the drama. Among the most dramatic and ironic discoveries that On Hunting tells us that hunting is about a love of and respect for animals, rather than a blood-thirsty hatred of them, and that the sport, far from being limited to an upper-class, old-monied aristocracy (有钱的贵族), is really one promoting an


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