人民大2023张道真英语语法(第三版)(精华版)课件Chapter 15.pptx

人民大2023张道真英语语法(第三版)(精华版)课件Chapter 15.pptx

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张道真英语语法A COMPREHENSIVE ENGLISH GRAMMAR 精华版第三版桂林学院英语语法教师团队 连词和感叹词 Chapter 15 一、连词概说 (1)连词概述:连词是一个虚词,不能在句中担任一个成分。它的作用是连接词与词,短语和短语以及句与句,例如: Hurry up, or you’ll miss it all. (2)连词的作用:常可使句子与句子联系比较紧凑,因而使上下文更加连贯。 We didn’t win but we came close. (3)连词可引导各种从句: When he looked back the woman had vanished. (时间从句) He telephoned her that he wanted to see her. (名词从句)1.1概说 1.2 .连词的分类 (1)从属连词 (subordinating conjunction) 主要引导一个从句。它又分为以下几类:从句种类主要从属连词例句①时间从句(clause of time)when,before,after,since,while,as,untilStrike while theironishot. ②条件从句(clause of condition)if, unless, supposingDon’t come unless I telephone you.③目的从句(clause of purpose)in order that, so that, so, thatI hired a boat so that I could go fishing.④结果从句(clause of result)so. . . that, so thatsuch. . . that, that, soShe was so moved that tears came to her eyes.⑤原因从句(clause of reason)because, as, sinceYou only do it because you have to. 1.2 连词的分类从句种类主要从属连词例句⑥让步从句(clause of concession)although, though, whileThough we be poor, we will still be happy.⑦方式从句(clauses of manner)as, like, the way, as if(though)Do as I tell you.⑧地点从句(clause of place)where, whereverStay where you are.⑨比较从句(clause of comparison)than, asYou run faster than I do. ⑩名词从句(主语/宾语/表语从句等)(clause of noun)that, whetherThe fact (that) he’s older than me is not relevant. 1.2连词的分类(2)并列连词 (coordinating conjunctions), ① 这种连词主要连接互不依从的分句,有时连接两个并列的词或短语: Slow but sure. Her son lives at home and has a steady job. 1.2连词的分类② 并列连词主要有以下几类:表示并列意思and, or 表示意思转折but, yet, however, nevertheless表示因果关系for, so, therefore, hence表示其他意思either...or, neither...nor, not only... but also, both... and, as well as 二、从属连词 2.1 引导时间从句的连词(1)时间从句的连词主要有when,while,as,用法如下(注意动词的时态):① when表示“在......时候”“一......就......”;whenever表示“无论何时”: Whenever she looked at Lanny she smiled. ② while表示“在......期间”“与......同时”: Make hay while the sun shines. (谚语)③ as表示“在......时”“正如”: As you can see, we’re still working. (注意:when引导的从句可用延续性动词,也可用短暂性动词,但while和as引导的从句只能用延续性动词) 2.1 引导时间从句的连词④ before表示“在......之


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