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江苏省部分名校 2021 届高三英语 4 月模拟试卷精选汇编 应用文写作专题 江苏省盐城中学 2021 届高三下学期四月质量检测英语试题 46. 假设你是李华,学校学生会有四个社团正招募新人(如下图所示),你希望加入其中一个。请你写一封 应征信,谈谈你的想法。内容必须包括: 1.你希望加入的社团; 2.选择该社团的原因; 3.你可以为该社团做些什么。 注意:请勿透露本人真实姓名和学校名称。 Dear Sir, 【答案】 I am Li Hua, a senior high school student from Class one Grade three. Hearing the news that the student union is recruiting new members for four communities including Science club, English theatre club, Eco club and sports club in my school, which has attached many students’ attention. Now I can hardly wait to forward a formal application, hoping to join a community that I am keen on after class. As far as I am concerned, I am eager to join Sports club because of the following reasons. First and foremost, not only should we go to all lengths to study hard in order to acquire more and more knowledge, but we also should do exercises to strengthen physical fitness. In the second place, the reason why I prefer Sports club is that doing sports is one of the most useful ways to have a relaxation after studying for a long period. Last but not least, doing sports that are in need of cooperation among students such as football, basketball and volleyball can cultivate our team spirit so that we are aware that union is strength and know the importance of cooperation. All these reasons make me be absorbed in joining Sports club. If I am elected to be a member of Sports club, I will take active part in all activities. What I can devote myself to the construction of the community is that I can convey the positive theories of sports to my friends and classmates and awaken them to the realization that joining Sports club is the best choice. I am fascinated by being a member of Sports club. I’d appreciate it so much if you could possibly consider my application. Looking forward to you reply.


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