Good Omens《好兆头》第二季第一集完整中英文对照剧本.docxVIP

Good Omens《好兆头》第二季第一集完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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在起源之前 不好意思 Excuse me. 喂 Oi! 什么事 是你叫我吗 Yes? Was that you? 你好 对 如果可以的话 Oh, hi, yeah. Err, look, if you dont mind, 你能拿着这个吗 我要用曲柄启动它 could you hold this, while I crank it all up? 哪边朝上 Um, which way up does it go? 就那样 拿住就好了 就这样 Well, like that. Just hold it tight. There we go. 准备好了吗 -准备好做什么 Alright, ready? - For what? 好了 真棒 There you go, lovely. 谢谢 你现在可以放下了 Thank you, you can put it down now. 好的 这就完了吗 Right. Is that it? 没有 那只是预热引擎 Oh, no. Thats just priming the engine. 这才是好玩的部分呢 This is the fun bit. 我等待这一刻已经... Ive been waiting for this since, um... 已经很久了 well, always. 你好啊 Um. Hello. 我叫亚茨拉斐尔 -幸会 Im Aziraphale. - Nice meeting you. 好了 开始喽 Okay, here goes. 要有物质 要有重力 Let there be matter, let there be gravity, 要有这本书上 let there be everything from pages 从第11页到第3000602页上所有的东西 11 to 3,000,602 inclusive. 有什么事应该发生吗 -是的 抱歉 Is something meant to happen? - Oh, right, sorry, yes, yes. 我就知道我漏了一样 I knew Id missed one. 要有光 Let there be light. 我的天 Oh, good lord. 看看你 多漂亮啊 Look at you, youre gorgeous. 这都是你自己弄出来的吗 Oh. You made it all yourself? 差不多吧 我不是... 我不是... Ah, well, I mean, more or less. I wasnt... I wasnt, um... 最初的创意不是我想到的 I wasnt the original concept designer, 但这件事我和上面配合得很紧密 but I worked very closely with upstairs on it. 真的非常美 -谢谢 Well its very pretty. - Oh, thank you. 我觉得你干得非常出色 And I think youve done an excellent job. 所以这是用来做什么的 -你什么意思 So, whats it for? - How do you mean? 这东西到底是干什么的 Well, what exactly does it all do? 这美妙的东西什么都能做 Oh, right. Well, what doesnt this beauty do? 本质上 它是个星工场 Basically, its a star factory. 你所能看见的星尘和气体其实是在制hearts;造hearts; All the dust and gas you can see, its actually building 差不多五千颗新的恒星和原行星 about 5,000 young stars and protoplanets. 大多数的星体宇宙起源时都有一定年纪了 但这些 Most of the universe of stars will come pre-aged, but these ones 才刚刚出生 are only starting out. 酝酿个几百万年 然后 A few million years to bake, and then 砰 就会遍布繁星了 boom, stars everywhere! 真不错 Oh, thats nice. 但你要知道 上面目前的指令 You know, the current word from upstairs 是再过六千年左右 is that well be shut


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