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描写家乡的英语作文 高分英语作文1: My hometown is Shia and I have lived here for 15 years. The mountains here are very green, with tr ees in the shade. When you climb to the top of t he mountain, you will enjoy the beautiful scenery and fresh air there. I often run in the mountains. There is also a small river here. There are a lot of fish in the river. My friends and I often go fishing there. The enviro nment here is really wonderful. If you can come, y ou will see the open space. My hometown is a good place to visit. I hope eve ryone can come here. Welcome to hickshill. 中文翻译: 我的家乡是,我在这里住了 xx年了。这里的山很绿,绿树 成荫。当你爬上山顶时,你会欣赏到那里美丽的景色和新鲜 的空气。 我经常在山上跑步。这里还有一条小河。河里有很多鱼,我 的朋友和我经常去那里钓鱼这里的环境真是太好了如果你 能来,你会看到开阔的地方到我的家乡是一个很好的地方参 观我希望每个人都能来这里欢迎来到希克希尔斯你。 万能作文模板2: I live in my hometown which I love. The environm ent here is very good. The trees are green and th e sky is blue. There is a big lake behind my house. The water is very clean. I usually go fishing with my mother a nd there are many animals. They are very lovely. You seez my hometown is ver y beautiful. Welcome to my hometown. 中文翻译: 我住在我爰我的家乡这里的环境很好这里的树木是绿色的, 天空是蓝色的我的房子后面有一个大的湖,水很干净,我通 常和我妈妈去钓鱼还有很多动物,它们很可爱你看,我的家 乡很美,欢迎来到我的家乡。 满分英语范文3:描写家乡 Beijing roast duck is undoubtedly a kind of delicio us food that can not be missed for everyone who comes to Beijing for tourism. Roast duck is a worl d-famous Beijing specialty developed by Chinese H an people in Ming Dynasty. It is a royal food at th at time. Beijing roast duck is delicious, healthy and in line with the eating habits of people of all ethnic grou ps. During the Beijing Olympic Games, Beijing roas t duck and Chinese dumplings were included in th e Chinese Olympic Games and loved by athletes al I over the world. On average, Beijing roast duck w as eaten every day. 中文翻译: 北京烤鸭对每一个来北京旅游的人来说,无疑是一种不容错 过的美食。烤鸭是中国汉族人在明朝时期开发的一种世界著 名的北京特色菜,是当时的皇家食品。北京烤鸭既美味又有 益健康,也符合各族人民的饮食习惯北京奥运会期间的中国 北京烤鸭和中国饺子被列入中国奥运会比赛项目,受到世界 各地运动员的喜爱,北京烤鸭平均每天都被食用。


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