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海边英语作文 海边英语作文「篇一」 Sams holiday Sam and his family went on holiday. He had a good time. As soon as he got to the sea, he flew to the sea to play。 He jumped into the sea and began to swim. He had many children of his age. Later, they all became good friends。 At noon, they played water polo together. He and his new friends had a delicious lunch that he had never had before. In the afternoon, they played a game called build our castle。 Sam found it interesting to do everything with Sandy. Finally, they took pictures and Sam went home happily。 中文翻译: 山姆的假期萨姆和家人去度假,他玩得很开心。他一到海边就飞到海边玩,他跳进海里开始游泳。他有很多同龄的孩子,后来他们都成了好朋友,中午一起玩水球,他和他的新朋友们吃了一顿他从来没有吃过的美味午餐,下午他们玩了一个叫“建造我们的城堡”的游戏,萨姆发现和桑迪做每件事都很有趣,他们最后拍了照片,萨姆高兴地回家了。 海边英语作文「篇二」 暑假到了,天乐一家准备去海边度假。 When the summer vacation comes, Tianle family is going to the seaside。 快要出发的前一天晚上,爸爸妈妈就已经将东西准备好了。小明还拿了一个塑料袋,爸爸妈妈都夸他说:“天乐,你真是个懂事的好孩子。” The night before the departure, mom and Dad had already prepared things。 Xiaoming also took a plastic bag。 His parents praised him and said, Tianle, you are really a sensible and good child。 第二天早晨,天乐一醒来,就发现爸爸妈妈已经不在房里了,急得大声喊:“爸爸,妈妈。”“哎”从窗外传来一声呼喊。天乐赶紧跑到窗前,只见爸爸妈妈正穿着泳衣在海边散步呢。见爸爸妈妈在蔚蓝的海边玩的这么开心,便赶紧换上泳衣,拿着游泳圈和爸爸妈妈一起玩去了。 The next morning, as soon as Tianle woke up, she found that her father and mother were no longer in the room。 She cried out: father, mother。 ah from the window。 Tianle hurriedly ran to the window and saw her father and mother walking by the sea in their swimsuits。 Seeing mom and dad having such a good time at the blue sea, they quickly changed into swimsuits and took the swimming circle to play with mom and dad。 天乐在海里捡贝壳,捉虾,玩的十分开心,说:“我真希望永远留在这里。” Tianle picked up shells and prawns in the sea and had a good time。 I wish I could stay here forever, he said 海边英语作文「篇三」 一天中午,阳光灿烂,万里无云,我和妈妈、6个月的弟弟、姑姑、还有表哥一起去海边玩。 One day at noon, it was sunny and cloudless. My mother, my six-month-old brother, aunt and cousin went to the seaside to play together。 来到海边,一眼望去,哇!海天一色,简直水天相连。 Come to the seaside, at a glance, wow! The


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