英语-2023届高考英语短语动词分类归纳与训练 (Phrasal verbs worksheet)讲义.docxVIP

英语-2023届高考英语短语动词分类归纳与训练 (Phrasal verbs worksheet)讲义.docx

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高考英语短语动词分类归纳与训练 Phrasal verbs add ..to 把添加在上 I add to 增力II,力II add up 加起来,总计 add up to 总计共达;意味着 This show will no doubt his growing reputation. all the money I owe you. The time I spend in commuting every clay three hours. 4.1 dont think these facts will anything. 5. 6,7 and 8 and youll get 21. add to 2. Add up 3. adds up to 4. add up to 5. Add up| agree with 同意意见;与……一致;与…相宜 J agree on/upon 在…达成共识 agree to 同意(计划、提议、安排) I cant agree more.我完全赞同。 This bill does not your original estimate. We have to talk. Absolutely, Meredith replied. My sister wont our mother going into a nursing home. If she felt he was right, she would him. They managed a date for the wedding. agree with 2.1 couldnt agree more 3. agree to 4. agree with 5. to agree on f break away from 脱离(政党)等;放弃;打破(陈规) break down 出故障;失败;崩溃;分解 break a bill 兑开钞票 break in 打断;插嘴;破门而入 break into 打断;闯入 break into tears 突然哭起来 break into pieces 分成碎片;弄得粉碎 break out 爆发;突然发生 break off 突然中断:停止;与…断绝关系 [break up 破碎:结束;(士气)衰弱;(关系)破裂 The police were ordered to the crowds who blocked the streets. A. broke down B. broke up C. broke out D. broke away It was said that the meeting didnt until it got dark. A. break up B. break down C. break out D. break in 5. To understand the grammar of the sentence, you must break it into parts. pay for付 的钱 pay for 付钱买…… pay back 偿还 j pay off 付清债;努力得到回报(没白费) pay up 付清该付的钱 pay a visit to 参观…… pay attention to 注意 、It pays to do sth. 做某事是值得的 Cleaning women in big cities usually by the hour.(付报酬) Its high time that he the SKX) he owes me.(偿还) At last, his efforts.(得到回报) It to create a peaceful society.(做某事是值得的) Our teacher suggested that we the temple.(参观) 1, get paid 2? paid back 3. paid off 5. pays 6. pay a visit to pass by 时间的流失;从旁边经过 pass away 去世 pass off 终止;停止 pass on 传递;继续进行 pass over 放过 pass through 经过;经历 单句改错: As lime pass by, my daughter has grown taller. His father passed away, he was brought up by his grandfather. He succeeded at last after passing on much suffering. Has the pain passed away ye


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