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自主学习 1.预习本课的单词,弄清他们的词义和词性,把不会读的单词写下来 想一想,平时你还见到过哪些路标,他们代表什么含义。 英汉互译 十字路口 入口 correct 博 物 馆 角 落 hotel 穿 过 路 标 到 博 物 馆 去 来到十字路口 来到街道的拐角 在你的右边 到达动物园 看到熊猫 合作完成第 47 页B 部分。 (二)合作探究 1.straight on “一直向前” walk /go straight on 一直向前走 straight:形容词时表示“直的,不弯曲的”,副词时表示“直接地、径直地” a straight line 一条直线, I after school. 放学后我直接回家 1. cross the road “过马路” cross = go/walk across 动词时表示“穿越,穿过” Be careful when you 过马路时要小心。 turn left/right 向左/ 右拐 = take the turning on the left/right the corner of the road 路的拐角 at the corner of the road 在路的拐角处 Simon is teaching Annie how to read a map. 西蒙正在教安妮如何看地图。 teach sb how to do sth : 教某人如何做某事 My mother is teaching me a computer.妈妈正在教 我如何使用电脑。 (三)达标检测: 一.根据中文或括号中词的提示完成句子: 一.根据中文或括号中词的提示完成句子: 1 . To get to the park, turn left when you come to the (十字路口)。 2.Don’t (横穿) the street. 3.This sign tells us that we can go (径直) on. 4.My brother works in Sunshine (宾馆). 5.Walk down the road, you can find the office (easy). 6.Perhaps you can find your money (inside) the corner of the box. 二.根据对话上下文在空白处填上意适当的词: Daniel: Daniel: me. Is there a post office near here, please? Police: No, there isn’t. The nearest one is 3 kilometers . You’d better take a bus. Daniel: Which bus should I , please? Police: I think you need a 8 bus. Daniel: Where is the , please? Police: Go this road and take the first onthe left. The bus stop is along that road theright. Daniel: Thank you very much.


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