2023-2024学年人教版八年级英语上册课件Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show?Section A (1a-2d).pptxVIP

2023-2024学年人教版八年级英语上册课件Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show?Section A (1a-2d).pptx

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Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show?Section A (1a-2d) 学习目标学会谈论偏好并制订计划。掌握生词及短语。news, educational, plan, discussion等hope to do sth., find out, expect to do等 思 考新课导入思 考What do you like doing in your spare time?Do you know some TV shows? What is your favorite TV show? 新课导入talk showsoap operasports showsitcom 新课导入game showtalent shownews 新课讲解1a1.talk show____ 2.soap opera____3.sports show____ 4. sitcom _______5.game show_____ 6.talent show_____7.news ________gfcbedaMatch the TV shows with the pictures [a-g]. 新课讲解Language point 1newsn.新闻节目;新闻。不可数名词,没有复数形式。 We listen to the news on the radio.我们收听广播里的新闻报道。【固定搭配】home news国内新闻,foreign news国外新闻,a piece of news一条新闻。 新课讲解1bListen and number the shows [1-4] in the order you hear them.     talent show      talk show      soccer game      news 4 3 12 新课讲解1c Practice the conversation. Then make your own conversations.A: What do you want to watch?B: What do you think of talk shows?A: They’re OK. I don’t mind them.B: Then let’s watch a talk show.love like don’t mind don’t like can’t stand(不介意, 不反对)(无法忍受) 新课讲解Language point 2mind作动词时,意为“留心,介意”,后接名词/动词-ing/从句,一般用于否定句、疑问句和条件句中。常见句型“Would you mind…?”相当于“Do you mind…?”,其后都接动词-ing形式或if从句。表示不介意做某事时,常用“Not at all./No,I don’t./Certainly not./Of course not./No,go ahead.”等;若介意做某事时,常用“I’m sorry,but…/I’m afraid…/I wish you wouldn’t.”等。 新课讲解Language point 3standv.忍受;站立。stand表示“忍耐,忍受,经受(疼痛、煎熬、寒暑等)”,多数情况下与can’t/can/couldn’t/could连用,常用于否定句或疑问句中,不可与进行时连用。固定搭配:stand+名词/代词,stand to do sth.,stand doing sth.。 I can’t stand that new student.我无法忍受那个新来的学生。Could you stand to go there again tomorrow?你受得了明天再到那里去吗?【拓展】 stand还表示“站立,坐落,屹立”的意思。Stand up,please.请起立。 新课讲解2a     sitcoms         news      game shows      talk shows      soap operas 14523 Listen to Lin Hui and Sally’s conversation.Number the TV shows [1-5] in the order you hear them. 新课讲解2b1.Sally likes to watch     



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