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教你弹吉他入门教材 1、花两天时间,把C,D,DM,EM,E,F,FM,G,GM,A,AM,B,BM,这几个和弦的按法记住,记到脑子里。记得怎么按得, 2、第三天,把这些和弦随便组合,变化,右手可随意扫弦,扫3下一变,或者扫4下一变。 3、一个星期以后,你的左手可以随便这几个和弦来回变化了,然后右手,分解,从粗到细分别为654321弦,你这是4/4的拍子,532123,这个是3/4的拍子,右手很快就能熟练, 4、再过3天,你买本最简单的初级书。从头弹到尾~~~~~ 如果你肯学,半个月就可以弹唱歌曲,然后再精修基础知识,和谱子什么的。那样你的兴趣就有了。如果天天让你练基础知识,你不一定能坚持。。。 一个月,随便一本书,可以按自己的方式从头弹到尾,不带卡壳滴。。。。 基础教程一:认识手中的琴 吉他的分类有很多,古典吉他,民谣吉他,电吉他这三种是比较常见的,分类的方法也比较简单,我就不多韶了。从结构上看,古典吉他和民谣吉他是比较相近的,都是通过琴体的共鸣箱放大琴弦振动发声,请看下图: an end to volunteer to do illegal things. Comrades, build restful Juxian, and strive to create a harmonious unity of political environment, stability and stable security environment, the economic environment of fair competition, standardized and orderly legal environment, living environment for people to live and work, is the common aspiration of the people, people are willing to hope, public opinion, glorious and arduous task. Hope everyone in the meeting as an opportunity, hearten spirit, do solid work, forge ahead, to the county public security organs peace volunteers construction and deepen. The city people a sense of security and satisfaction in recent years has been ranked the forefront of the province, behind the achievement, condensed the majority of police effort and sweat, should be fully affirmed. But from the telephone survey carried out recently in the Council, in the first half of this year the city people a sense of security and satisfaction and to year declined compared. People a sense of security and satisfaction is the maximum price of our existenceTo further improve work style sense of values and the highest pursuit, otherwise we do everything meaningless. People a sense of security and satisfaction decreased, indicating that the masses of social security, the public security team building higher expectations and requirements, we show that there are many does not reach the designated position place. This gave us sounded the alarm bell, this should cause our high attention, effectively enhance t


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