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 Unit 1  Festivals around the world;1.gain vt.获得;得到 Nothing venture, nothing gain.不入虎穴,焉得虎子。 After swimming for an hour, he finally gained the shore. 他游了一小时以后,终于到达岸边。 We learn in order to gain knowledge. 我们学习是为了获得知识。;gain/win/earn (1)gain主要指通过斗争、竞赛或劳动得到成果、优势、经验等。 Im new in the job but Im already gaining experience. 我虽然刚从事这份工作,但已取得了经验。 (2)win一般指在竞争或战斗中获胜,其宾语多为比赛、竞赛等。 Last week our team won the football match in the school game.上周在校比赛中我们赢得了足球比赛。 (3)earn指作了贡献或努力,应该得到某种报酬。 How much do you earn a week?你一周赚多少?;学以致用(单项填空) It is rather difficult to make friends with him, but his friendship, ___________________,is more true than any others. (2010·包头五校联考) A.once gained B.when to gain C.after gaining D.while gaining;上一页;2. gather vt. vi. n.搜集;集合;聚集 He was busy gathering the information about birds. 他忙于搜集有关鸟类的资料。 The clouds are gathering, it will probably rain. 乌云密布,天可能要下雨。;;He gathered up his strength for the new job. 他鼓足劲头来开展新的工作。 ;上一页;上一页;【解析】 句意:越来越多的爪洼年轻人聚集在一起,在夜里慢慢地走着。他们一边聊天说笑,一边朝着城市边缘的山上走去。collect“搜集”;gather“聚集”。根据句意,此处应表示“聚集”,所以答案选B。A、C两项明显不符合句意。 【答案】 B ;3. Award n.奖;奖品 vt.授予;判定 She showed us the handwriting awards she had won. 她给我们看她赢得的书法奖。 The judge awarded him $1,000 as damages. 法官判给他损害赔偿金一千美元。;;The teacher awarded the boy a prize.=The teacher awarded a prize to the boy. 老师颁奖给那个男孩。 ;award/reward/prize (1)award指“奖品;奖金;奖赏”,侧重按法律或规定而由政府部门授予的荣誉。 (2)reward特指“报答;酬谢;奖赏”,侧重于对出色表现或者功绩的报答、酬谢。 The firemen were given a medal as a reward for saving the childs life. 消防队员们因救了那个孩子而获得一枚奖章作为奖赏。;(3)prize意为“奖品;奖金”,但它主要用于表示“获得几等奖”或“获奖金额”,特指在竞争、竞赛中获得的奖。 My sister won the first prize for her singing. 我妹妹唱歌获得了一等奖。;The headmaster ______ Liu Hong ______ for his determination and the great progress he made. A.rewarded;award B.shared;a prize C.awarded;a prize D.honoured;a reward;【解析】 句意:校长为刘洪的决心和取得的巨大进步颁奖。reward“报答;酬谢”;share“分享”;honour“尊敬;给……恩惠”。根据句意,答案选C。 【答案】 C ;4. admire vt.赞美;钦佩;羡慕 I admire his ability.我佩服他的能力。 ;上一页;We admire them for their great



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