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 Unit 3  A taste of English humour ;1.content adj. 满意的;满足的 n. 满足;含量 vt. 使满足 Now that she has apologized, I am content. 既然她已经道了歉, 我也就满意了。 No other food has so high an iron content. 没有别的食物有这么高的含铁量。 Simple praise is enough to content him. 简单的称赞就能使他满足。;be content to do sth.(=be willing/ready to do sth.)           乐于做某事;满足于做某事 be content with sth.(=be satisfied/pleased with sth.) 对某事满意/满足 to one's heart's content 心满意足地 content oneself with 使(某人)自己对……感到满足 ;She seems content to live with him. 她似乎很满足与他生活在一起。 Today we danced to our heart's content. 今天我们跳舞跳得很过瘾。;;学以致用(单项填空) In my opinion,those who are not ________ with the progress they have made will have greater success. A.popular B.strict C.content D.patient;上一页;2. astonish vt. 使惊诧 Her father's sudden death astonished her. 父亲的突然去世使她大为震惊。 You never fail to astonish me. 你总是让我吃惊。;;We were quite astonished at her quick reaction. 我们对她的反应如此之快感到非常惊讶。 I was astonished to see him in Tibet. 我很惊讶在西藏见到他。;astonishment n.  惊讶;令人惊讶的事物 to one's astonishment 使某人惊讶的是 in astonishment 吃惊地 ;上一页;(2)amaze强调“使惊异;困惑”间或还有“惊叹;佩服”的意思, 是意义很强的词。 We were amazed at the ingenuity with which they solved their difficulties.他们在解决困难中所表现的智慧使我们惊叹。 (3)surprise语气较上述两词弱, 只表示“出乎意外地惊异”。 We were surprised at finding the house empty. 我们惊讶地发现房子是空的。;上一页;【解析】 句意:让我们吃惊的是,老板对于这个让人吃惊的新闻并不感到吃惊。to one's astonishment“使某人惊讶的是”,为固定搭配;astonished“感到吃惊的”; astonishing“令人吃惊的”。 【答案】 B ;3. convince vt. 使信服 We convinced Anne to go by train rather than plane. 我们说服了安妮放弃乘飞机而坐火车走。 He convinced them that he was innocent. 他使他们相信他无罪。;convince sb. of sth.   使某人相信某事 convince sb. to do sth. 说服某人做某事 convince sb. that 使某人相信…… be convinced of/that 确信…… ;The customers are convinced to try out this product. 这些客户被说服试用这件产品。 He was convinced of his error. 他认识到了自己的错误。;Scientists are convinced ________ the positive effect of laughter ________ physical and mental health. A.of;at B.by;in C.of;on


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