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黑龙江省哈尔滨市公共英语五级(笔试)真题一卷(含答案) 学校:________ 班级:________ 姓名:________ 考号:________ 一、1.Listening Comprehension(15题) 1. Government buildings often have special paths for those people handicapped. A.Right B.Wrong? 2. Do-it-Yourself has become one of Mr. Millers hobbies. A.True B.Fasle? 3. What suggestion does the man think it is good? A.Try to give up smoking.? B.Eat sweets everyday instead of smoking.? C.Try to give up one cigarette every day.? D.Go to a hypnotist.? 4. Whats the essential point we should realize about speech and writing? 5. The job of the Board of Directors is to administrate the company. A.True B.Fasle? 6. When did this expression come into the American Language? A.Some time after the Civil War.? B.During the Second World War.? C.When president George Bush was in office.? D.During the period of Independence War.? 7. What service must be paid for? A.Computer classes.? B.Training sessions.? C.Laser printing.? D.Package borrowing.? 8. What kind of grain could be found in American diet 500 years ago? 9. The front door to his home does not open automatically. A.True B.Fasle? 10. Meats also contain water. A.True B.Fasle? 11. They started working in 1968 based on the observation made by Jung, the founder of______. 12. What action did the tramp take? He ______. A.looted the store? B.made himself at home? C.went to sleep for 2 days? D.had a Christmas party? 13. How many psychologists are mentioned in the talk? 14. If you poke your tongue into a hole of your teeth,it feels very tiny and slim. A.Right B.Wrong? 15. Mr Miller will buy a new house with the money he has won. A.Right B.Wrong? 二、2.Use of English(10题) 16.(36) 17.(47) 18. 【C7】 19.(35) 20. 【C2】 21. 【C17】 22. 【C12】 23.(33) 24. 【C4】 25. 【C9】 三、3.Reading Comprehension(15题) 26. Why is transition difficult? A.Because transition requires money and time.? B.Because many manufacturers are unwilling to change their equipment.? C.Because research on new materials is very d



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